JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Original Paper Investigating COVID-19’s Impact on Mental Health: Trend and Thematic Analysis of Reddit Users’ Discourse Jianfeng Zhu1, PhD; Neha Yalamanchi1, MD; Ruoming Jin1, Prof Dr; Deric R Kenne2,3, Prof Dr; NhatHai Phan4, Prof Dr 1 Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 2 Center for Public Policy and Health, Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 3 College of Public Health, Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 4 Data Science Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United States Corresponding Author: Jianfeng Zhu, PhD Department of Computer Science Kent State University 800 E Summit St Kent, OH, 44240 United States Phone: 1 2348639445 Email: Abstract Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in heightened levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues due to sudden changes in daily life, such as economic stress, social isolation, and educational irregularity. Accurately assessing emotional and behavioral changes in response to the pandemic can be challenging, but it is essential to understand the evolving emotions, themes, and discussions surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Objective: This study aims to understand the evolving emotions and themes associated with the impact of COVID-19 on mental health support groups (eg, r/Depression and r/Anxiety) on Reddit (Reddit Inc) during the initial phase and after the peak of the pandemic using natural language processing techniques and statistical methods. Methods: This study used data from the r/Depression and r/Anxiety Reddit communities, which consisted of posts contributed by 351,409 distinct users over a period spanning from 2019 to 2022. Topic modeling and Word2Vec embedding models were used to identify key terms associated with the targeted themes within the data set. A range of trend and thematic analysis techniques, including time-to-event analysis, heat map analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, and k-means clustering analysis, were used to analyze the data. Results: The time-to-event analysis revealed that the first 28 days following a major event could be considered a critical window for mental health concerns to become more prominent. The theme trend analysis revealed key themes such as economic stress, social stress, suicide, and substance use, with varying trends and impacts in each community. The factor analysis highlighted pandemic-related stress, economic concerns, and social factors as primary themes during the analyzed period. Regression analysis showed that economic stress consistently demonstrated the strongest association with the suicide theme, whereas the substance theme had a notable association in both data sets. Finally, the k-means clustering analysis showed that in r/Depression, the number of posts related to the “depression, anxiety, and medication” cluster decreased after 2020, whereas the “social relationships and friendship” cluster showed a steady decrease. In r/Anxiety, the “general anxiety and feelings of unease” cluster peaked in April 2020 and remained high, whereas the “physical symptoms of anxiety” cluster showed a slight increase. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and the related themes discussed in 2 web-based communities during the pandemic. The results offer valuable insights for developing targeted interventions and policies to support individuals and communities in similar crises. (J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e46867) doi: 10.2196/46867 XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al KEYWORDS COVID-19; Reddit; r/Depression; r/Anxiety; pandemic; mental health; trend analysis; thematic analysis; natural language processing (NLP); Word2Vec Introduction Background The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on mental health, as individuals worldwide have been subjected to feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, guilt, and anger [1]. In the United States, a considerable increase in the symptoms of anxiety disorder and depressive disorder has been observed during the period from April to June 2020, compared with the same period in 2019 [2,3]. There were >310 million confirmed cases and 5.4 million deaths worldwide [4], underscoring the need to investigate the precise emotional and behavioral changes that have arisen in response to the pandemic. Multidisciplinary research is called for to address the psychological impact of quarantine, social isolation, and economic stress, among many other factors, on mental health [5]. Social media sites have become increasingly popular avenues for seeking and sharing health information, making them important tools for understanding the mental health impact of the pandemic. Especially, during the pandemic, social media use surged as billions of people stayed at home and practiced social distancing [6]. Platforms such as TikTok (ByteDance Ltd), Pinterest (Pinterest, Inc), and Reddit (Reddit Inc) reported growth in monthly active users in 2021 compared with 2019, with increases of 38%, 32%, and 30%, respectively [7]. Despite the increased use of social media during the pandemic, the relationship between social media posts and mental health during times of crisis is not yet fully comprehended. Prior Work In recent years, natural language processing (NLP) and statistical techniques have been increasingly used to analyze social media posts, providing valuable insights into mental health issues. For example, Park et al [8] examined the thematic similarities and differences between and membership in 3 web-based mental health communities from Reddit using a text mining and visualization approach. The study used topic modeling to identify the most frequently discussed themes across the communities and explored the differences and similarities in the language used in each community [8]. Tadesse et al [9] developed a machine learning model using support vector machines to detect depression-related posts on Reddit. They extracted linguistic features such as negation, positive and negative sentiments, and medical terms from the text to classify the posts [9]. In a different approach, Kolliakou et al [10] used time-series regression analysis to investigate the relationship between mental health–related conversations on Twitter (Twitter, Inc) and the incidence of crisis episodes [10]. More recently, Liu et al [11] used time-to-event modeling to examine the transition patterns of other subreddits to r/SuicideWatch. They used Bayesian Poisson regression to analyze the temporal factors associated with the subreddit transitions. In addition, they used latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) to identify key topics and examined the association between topic trends and subreddit XSL• FO RenderX transitions [11]. These studies demonstrate the potential of using social media data to identify individuals in need of support and gain a deeper understanding of the impact of public health crises on mental health. Recent studies have tried to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, particularly on depression and anxiety, which have been identified as major consequences through social media content analysis. Thukral et al [12] used statistical and NLP methods, such as LDA topic modeling, to identify pandemic-related stress factors from Reddit posts, with young adults and students being particularly affected by stress related to academic and financial issues. Low et al [13] and Biester et al [14] highlighted the importance of social media platforms, for example, web-based communities such as r/Depression and r/Anxiety, as a source of data for studying the impact of the pandemic on mental health using NLP techniques. Marshall et al [15] implemented an NLP platform to analyze tweet frequency and identify prevalent discussion topics among United Kingdom residents, identifying consistent concerns such as the pandemic’s influence on mental health, lockdown-induced fear and anxiety, and anger and distrust directed at the government. Brewer et al [16] conducted a thematic analysis of discussion forum posts related to anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) during the pandemic. The study demonstrated the potential of social media forums as a source of data for understanding the impact of public health crises on mental health [16]. These studies demonstrate the potential of NLP and social media data to provide valuable insights into mental health trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite previous research, measuring the emotional and behavioral changes in response to the pandemic remains challenging. A comprehensive understanding of the impact of the pandemic on population mental health through social media discourse is still lacking. Prior studies [12-16] mainly focused on relatively short periods during the early stages of the pandemic and lacked prepandemic baseline data and postpandemic mental health analysis. Moreover, few of these studies explored both the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits, and none investigated the differences and relationships between them over time in terms of themes and factors. This study aimed to address these limitations by exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health through a trend and thematic analysis of Reddit users’ discourse, specifically focusing on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits from 2019 to 2022. The analysis was conducted by examining users’ emotional expressions at 3 time points: before the pandemic, during key events, and after the peak of the pandemic. This study sought to investigate the evolution of mental health themes over time and answer the following research questions: 1. How did the discourse in mental health–related subreddit communities evolve between 2019 and 2021? J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 2. 3. 4. 5. When did Reddit users start discussing COVID-19 within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits after the nationwide emergency declaration on March 13, 2020? How do engagement patterns and the prevalence of the studied themes differ between the r/Depression and r/Anxiety communities over the course of the study period? How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the discussion of mental health topics on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits, as evidenced by the k-means clustering analysis? How do the identified themes, such as economic stress and substance abuse, correlate with mental health outcomes such as suicidal ideation within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits? In the Results and Discussion sections, we examine these 5 key questions that offer valuable insights into the pandemic’s effects on mental health, as revealed through the personal perspectives of the Reddit users engaging in conversations within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety communities. These 2 subreddits are among the largest web-based communities where people discuss and seek support for issues related to depression and anxiety, respectively, with >995,000 members in r/Depression and >609,000 members in r/Anxiety. These communities offer a vast amount of text data that can provide a unique perspective into the struggles experienced by users during the pandemic, covering the entire timeline from the prepandemic to postpandemic periods. Methods Data Collection The Reddit platform allows users to post longer-form content and encourages discussion through comments. The demographics of the specific users of the subreddits examined in this study are not available; however, data on the general user base of the platforms have been provided. Approximately half of the Reddit user base is from the United States, with 22% of them being young adults aged 18 to 29 years and 14% of them being aged 30 to 49 years [17]. The platform witnessed an increase of 44% in daily active users in 2020, reaching 52 million. The Pushshift multithread application programming interface (API) wrapper was used to download data from mental health–related subreddits, such as r/Addiction, r/ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), r/Alcoholism, r/Anxiety, r/Autism, r/Bipolar, r/BPD (bipolar disorder), r/Bulimia, r/Depression, r/Drugs, r/HealthAnxiety, r/MentalHealth, r/OCD, r/PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), r/Schizophrenia, r/Selfharm, r/SocialAnxiety, and r/SuicideWatch. Details of the subreddits are provided in Tables S1 and S2 in Multimedia Appendix 1. We downloaded 3 million posts from 2019 to 2021. In addition, we acquired additional data sets for the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits that extended through 2021 and 2022. The Pushshift multithread API wrapper is a tool for efficiently retrieving submissions from the Pushshift API using multithreading [18]. Multithreading is a programming technique where a single program or process can have multiple threads of execution running concurrently, each performing a different task. XSL• FO RenderX Zhu et al Data Preprocessing In this study, we applied a series of cleaning steps to preprocess the posts. These techniques include expanding contractions, replacing nonalphanumeric characters with whitespace, converting text to lower case, replacing empty strings with not-a-number values, removing stopwords, and lemmatizing the text. Not-a-number is a special floating-point value that represents undefined or unrepresentable values. Stopwords are common words such as “a,” “an,” “the,” “and,” and “of” that are often removed from text data because they do not add much value to the analysis. Lemmatization is the process of reducing words to their base or dictionary form, which can improve the accuracy of text analysis by reducing the number of unique words. Proper handling of these techniques is crucial to avoid errors in data analysis. A detailed sample of the cleaned posts is provided in Table S3 in Multimedia Appendix 1. Extracting Terms Within the Target Theme Overview Understanding the prevalent themes in mental health–related subreddit posts during the pandemic can provide valuable insights into users’ attitudes, beliefs, and experiences related to mental health, as well as patterns and trends. Low et al [13] conducted a feature extraction from 15 subreddit posts and manually built lexicons about suicidality, economic stress, isolation, substance use, domestic stress, and guns. The terms associated with the themes are provided in Figure S1 in Multimedia Appendix 1. We used this as our baseline to construct the target themes for our study. To verify the presence of these themes in our subreddit posts, we applied topic modeling to identify the 10 most discussed topics. In addition, we used the Word2Vec embedding model trained on the corpus of Reddit posts for the semantic refinement of theme terms. Identifying Baseline Themes Using LDA Topic Modeling Topic modeling with LDA is a powerful unsupervised machine learning technique used to discover hidden thematic structures within a large corpus of textual data. LDA assumes that documents are composed of a mixture of topics, and each topic is represented by a distribution of words. The genism library was used to perform LDA model estimation. LDA generates a predefined number of topics in posts across mental health subreddits, each characterized by a set of terms ranked by their probability of occurrence within that topic [19]. To analyze pandemic-related topics, a sample of 464,264 posts from 2020 to 2022 was taken from the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits to feed into the LDA model for topic extraction. Semantic Refinement of Theme Terms Using the Word2Vec Embedding Model Word2Vec is a neural network–based algorithm used for NLP that efficiently processes large amounts of text data. One of the most intriguing and powerful features of Word2Vec is its ability to identify and manipulate semantic relationships between words. For example, a classic example for Word2Vec is “king−man+woman=queen.” This demonstrates the ability of the model to identify and manipulate semantic relationships J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 3 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH between words, in this case, the gender of royalty. The model is able to learn that the vector distance between “king” and “man” is similar to that between “queen” and “woman,” allowing it to accurately predict the relationship between the 2 pairs of words. This type of analogical reasoning has been applied in various NLP tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and text classification [20]. We used Word2Vec and the Embedding Projector Platform, both of which are available through TensorFlow (Google Brain Team) [21,22], to train and visualize semantic word relationships within 2 subreddit posts. The Embedding Projector Platform is a robust tool developed by Google’s TensorFlow team for exploring and visualizing high-dimensional data, such as word embeddings produced by the Word2Vec algorithm. Its user-friendly interface enables easy identification of related word clusters and semantic relationships and even the creation of custom embeddings by combining or modifying existing ones. Owing to its powerful visualization capabilities, the Embedding Projector Platform is now an indispensable tool for NLP and other high-dimensional data applications. Trend Analysis Trend analysis is a widely used technique for identifying patterns and changes over time. It involves the analysis of data over a period of time to detect trends, such as increasing or decreasing values, changes in direction, or fluctuations in patterns. In our study, we applied several analytical methods, including time-to-event analysis, theme trend analysis, and k-means clustering analysis, to 2 subreddits from 2019 to 2022. These methods provided valuable insights into various aspects of the Reddit posts’ themes, such as COVID-19, economic, social, domestic, educational, substance, and suicide. We labeled each post with corresponding themes, such as labeling a post 1 for the economic feature if it contained any terms related to the economic theme and 0 otherwise. These labels were used as features in subsequent analyses. Examples of labeled samples can be seen in Figure S2 in Multimedia Appendix 1. 1. 2. Time-to-event analysis, also known as survival analysis, is a statistical method used to analyze the time until an event of interest occurs. It is commonly used in medical research to analyze the time until a patient experiences a certain event, such as death or disease recurrence [23]. Time-to-event analysis was used to investigate the timing of the first post by unique authors containing COVID-19–related keywords after March 13, 2020, when the Trump Administration declared a nationwide emergency and issued an additional travel ban on non-US citizens traveling from 26 European countries owing to COVID-19 [24]. The 2020 data set was the primary focus, encompassing 10,852 unique authors in r/Depression and 6291 unique authors in r/Anxiety. Table S4 in Multimedia Appendix 1 provides samples of cleaned tokens of COVID-19 posts in both subreddits. Theme trend analysis is a valuable tool that enables researchers to examine patterns and changes in data over time. It has wide-ranging applications, including social media research for mental health [25]. In our study, we used trend analysis to gain insights into public attitudes and XSL• FO RenderX Zhu et al 3. identify emerging concerns during the pandemic by conducting a long-term analysis of the target themes that we previously defined, covering the period between 2019 and 2022. K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that groups similar documents together based on their content without the use of labeled data using the term frequency–inverse document frequency scheme to create vectors representing documents [26]. The elbow method was used to determine the optimal number of clusters. In this case, the technique was applied to the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits to uncover latent topics in posts before, during, and after the pandemic. Thematic Analysis Thematic analysis is a method of identifying and analyzing patterns, themes, and trends in qualitative data. In this study, we used various analytical methods, including heat map analysis, factor analysis, and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, to gain insights into the relationships between the COVID-19, economic, social, domestic, educational, substance, and suicide themes in the r/Anxiety and r/Depression subreddits from 2019 to 2022. 1. 2. 3. The heat map analysis is a powerful visualization method used to display the distribution of selected themes in a large corpus of textual data. We used the heat map to represent the relationships between the themes in the 2 subreddits. Factor analysis is a statistical method that identifies underlying patterns or structures within a data set by reducing the dimensionality. We performed factor analysis on 3 separate data sets: r/Depression, r/Anxiety, and a combined data set of both subreddits. We applied the OLS regression method [27] to analyze the relationship between the “suicide” variable and the independent variables (COVID-19, economic, social, domestic, educational, and substance). This analysis helped us determine the influence of these factors on the occurrence of “suicide” and estimate the change in the dependent variable associated with a 1-unit change in each independent variable. Ethics Approval To protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals whose data were analyzed, all study data were deidentified before analysis. The data analyzed in this study were obtained from publicly available sources and contain no identifiable information. The sample posts in this study were preprocessed by removing stopwords and lemmatizing, and the resulting tokens make it impossible to identify users’ information. No personal information, including author names or any other private information, was included in the data set. By addressing these ethical considerations, we conducted a valuable and trend study on the impacts of COVID-19 on the content posted by the r/Anxiety and r/Depression users. In addition, this research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation project (IIS-2041065), which was approved by the institutional review board at Kent State University under the reference number KSU IRB20-182. After this paper was accepted for publication, the Institutional Review Board at Kent State J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH University was consulted regarding privacy ethics concerns and the study was deemed exempt (KSU 819). Results Zhu et al insights gained. These methods enabled us to identify and analyze trends in the data, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the themes and patterns within the Reddit posts related to mental health during the pandemic. Overview Question 1: How Did the Discourse in Mental Health–Related Subreddit Communities Evolve Between 2019 and 2021? Trend analysis often involves the visualization of data on a graph or chart to identify patterns and trends. In this study, we used a variety of methods, including statistical analysis, time-series analysis, and k-means clustering analysis, to better understand the data and make informed decisions based on the In the initial stage of our analysis, we examined 18 mental health–related subreddits. Figure 1 illustrates a decline in the number of posts in the r/Depression subreddit and a rise in the number of posts in the r/Anxiety subreddit between 2019 and 2021. Trend Analysis Figure 1. Mental health subreddit post distribution from 2019 to 2021. ADHD: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; BPD: bipolar disorder; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; PTSD: posttraumatic stress disorder. The results indicate a decrease in the number of posts in the r/Depression subreddit during the midpandemic period and an increase in the number of posts in the r/Anxiety subreddit during the same period. A similar trend in tweets related to depression and anxiety can be found in Figure S3 in Multimedia Appendix 1. Depression and anxiety are psychiatric disorders, often reflected in text written by undiagnosed individuals on social media. Medical experts can use linguistic markers to improve guidelines and treatments [28-30]. Focusing on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits allows us to study these specific disorders more closely, providing valuable insights into how individuals express their experiences and emotions during a global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In the r/Depression and r/Anxiety data sets, we extended the time frame to 2022, which was used in the following trend analysis and thematic analysis. The data set used in this study contains posts (652,452) collected from January 2019 to December 2022. It includes data obtained from the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits. For the r/Depression subreddit, a total of 138,517 posts were collected in 2019, followed by 119,543 posts in 2020, 95,242 posts in XSL• FO RenderX 2021, and 85,283 posts in 2022, resulting in a cumulative total of 438,585 posts. Similarly, for the r/Anxiety subreddit, the data consisted of 49,295 posts in 2019, 54,053 posts in 2020, 53,992 posts in 2021, and 56,527 posts in 2022, accounting for a total of 213,867 posts. These statistics highlight the volume of posts obtained from each subreddit throughout the specified time period. The post distribution of the data set can be found in Figure S4 in Multimedia Appendix 1. To validate the trend analysis on the Reddit data sets, we extracted tweets associated with anxiety and depression from our Twitter data set using hashtags and keywords. The trends observed in the number of posts on r/Depression and r/Anxiety were similar to those found in the number of tweets related to depression and anxiety hashtags and keywords. The hashtags and keywords used for filtering can be found in Table S5 in Multimedia Appendix 1. Terms of Target Themes Through LDA topic modeling, we extracted 10 topics based on the top 10 frequently occurring words, and Figure S5 in Multimedia Appendix 1 presents the keywords associated with J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 5 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH each topic. These 10 topics were then used to verify the baseline themes, as shown in Figure S1 in Multimedia Appendix 1. Topic 9 focused on the economic theme, which included job search and work-related challenges. Social themes were found in topics 6 and 0, which covered personal relationships and social interactions and family and household matters, respectively. Domestic themes were mainly found in topic 0. Educational themes were highlighted in topic 8, including academic experiences and challenges. We excluded the gun theme because of a lack of relevant data and included the educational theme because of its high frequency. Although the COVID-19, substance, and suicide themes were not explicitly identified, they may be implicitly present within the broader categories of health and well-being, personal struggles, and life challenges during the pandemic. Our analysis identified 7 themes, namely economic, social, domestic, educational, substance, suicide, and COVID-19. To preprocess the 652,452 corpora, we tokenized the posts from r/Depression and r/Anxiety between 2019 and 2022 and constructed a vocabulary. We generated training examples by creating pairs of target and context words within a defined XSL• FO RenderX Zhu et al window size of 2. We set the parameters of the model, such as dimension=128, batch size=1024, and buffer size=10,000, and trained the model using categorical cross-entropy loss and adaptive moment estimation as the optimization algorithm. Upon the completion of the training process with 20 epochs, the accuracy of the model was 0.633. The vectors and metadata files are available on GitHub [31], which can be loaded onto the Embedding Projector Platform [22] for projecting embeddings in 3D space and for the interactive exploration and analysis of semantic relationships among the corpora. Figure 2 displays the projecting visualization of the keyword “school” in the Embedding Projector Platform, illustrating the semantic relationship between “school” and the other words in the corpora in 3D space. After considering the effects of the pandemic and reviewing the previous results, we manually constructed the final terms for the target themes. The resulting terms are presented in Table 1, with italicized words indicating extensions made using the top-ranked words from the Word2Vec pretraining model for the key terms. J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 6 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 2. Visualization of the word “school” using the Embedding Projector Platform. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Table 1. Terms of target themes. a Themes Termsa Economic unemployed, economy, mortgage, layoff, recession, stimulus, evict, enough money, more money, pay the bill, owe, afford, wage, job, eviction, income, rent, credit, salary, bills, laid, jobless, savings, lost job, fulltime, debt, financial, paycheck Social bullying, loneliness, emptiness, quarantine, alone, lonely, lockdown, distancing, insecurities, no one cares, trapped, feel ignored, single, can’t see my, ignoring me Domestic domestic violence, abuse, yelling, fighting, single mom, single dad, single parent, hit me, slapped me, divorced, abusive,cheating,separation,toxic,abused,custody battles Educational exam, assignment, online classes, school closures, distance learning grade, homework, courses, school, presentation, classroom, test, virtual learning, hybrid learning, remote learning, online meeting, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google classroom, virtual classrooms Substance smoke, smoked, drink, snort, drugs, smoking, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, beer, substance, ketamine, tablets,valium, opioid, vodka, whiskey, whisky, meth, addiction,rehab,relapse,overdose Suicide commit suicide, jump off a bridge, I want to overdose, will overdose, thinking about overdose, kill myself, killing myself, hang myself, hanging myself, cut myself, cutting myself, hurt myself, hurting myself, want to die, wanna die, do not wake up, do not want to be alive, wish it would all end, done with living, want it to end, all ends tonight, live anymore, living anymore, life anymore, be dead, end my life, death, hopeless, shoot me, kill me, suicide, no point, intrusive COVID-19 corona, coronavirus, covid, covid-19, epidemic, infect, lockdown, pandemic, quarantine, viral, virus, mask, ventilator, symptomatic, incubation, transmission, immune, vaccine, national emergency, flatten Italicized words indicate extensions made using the top-ranked words from the Word2Vec pretraining model for the key terms. Question 2: When Did Reddit Users Start Discussing COVID-19 Within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety Subreddits After the Nationwide Emergency Declaration on March 13, 2020? We used time-to-event analysis to examine the initiation of COVID-19 discussions in the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits following the nationwide emergency declaration on March 13, 2020. The Kaplan-Meier estimator [32], which is a nonparametric method for estimating the survival function, was applied to visualize the results. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve shows the estimated probability of not posting over time since March 13, 2020. Figure 3 illustrates the curve starting at 1.0 (ie, 100% probability of not posting) and decreasing over time as more authors post their first post with COVID-19 keywords in 2020. The vertical lines on the graph indicate the days on which a certain percentage of authors have posted, providing insights into the timing and probability of authors posting their first post after the national emergency declaration. Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier survival curve in r/Depression and r/Anxiety. KM: Kaplan Meier. Question 3: How Do Engagement Patterns and the Prevalence of the Studied Themes Differ Between the r/Depression and r/Anxiety Communities Over the Course of the Study Period? We conducted a trend analysis to examine the differences in themes between the 2 subreddits over the specified period. Figures 4-10 depict the posting activity within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety communities on Reddit from 2019 to 2022, with XSL• FO RenderX a focus on the target themes COVID-19, economic, social, domestic, educational, substance, and suicide. The figure consists of 2 sections: the left side displays the distribution of the number of posts, whereas the right side shows the distribution of the proportion of posts for each community over time. The 2 lines in each section represent the r/Depression and r/Anxiety communities, providing insight into the varying dynamics of these web-based forums in the context of the specified themes. J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 4. Number and proportion of posts that contain any keywords related to COVID-19. Figure 5. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the economic theme. Figure 6. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the social theme. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 9 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 7. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the domestic theme. Figure 8. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the educational theme. Figure 9. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the substance theme. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 10 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 10. Number and proportion of posts that include any keywords related to the suicide theme. Question 4: How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact the Discussion of Mental Health Topics on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety Subreddits, as Evidenced by the K-Means Clustering Analysis? K-means clustering analysis was conducted on Reddit posts from the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits with the aim of identifying distinct clusters of posts based on their textual content. The optimal elbow value for r/Depression was found to be 15, whereas the optimal elbow value for r/Anxiety was found to be 16. The results of k-means clustering are provided in Figures S6 and S7 in Multimedia Appendix 1. The clusters were then manually collated into 8 different latent clusters, which are provided in Table S6 in Multimedia Appendix 1, and the trends of these clusters from 2019 to 2022 were analyzed and displayed in Figures 11 and 12. Figure 11. K-mean clustering analysis of r/Depression posts. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 11 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 12. K-mean clustering analysis of r/Anxiety posts. Thematic Analysis We used a combination of heat map analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis to explore the correlation between the identified themes and mental health outcomes. Specifically, we aimed to address the following question. Question 5: How Do the Identified Themes, Such as Economic Stress and Substance Abuse, Correlate With XSL• FO RenderX Mental Health Outcomes Such as Suicidal Ideation Within the r/Depression and r/Anxiety Subreddits? Heat Map Analysis We created a heat map to visually display the associations between the themes (COVID-19, economic, social, domestic, educational, substance, and suicide) and the 2 subreddits. A color gradient was used, where the deeper cell colors represent stronger associations. The x-axis of the heat map shows the 2 subreddits, with r/Anxiety on the left and r/Depression on the right, whereas the y-axis displays the selected themes. Each cell of the heat map represents the strength of the relationship between a given theme and subreddit. Figure 13 shows the resulting heat map. J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Zhu et al Figure 13. Heat map of the relationship between themes and subreddits. Factor Analysis We used the Kaiser criterion (eigenvalues>1) to determine the optimal number of factors and applied the varimax rotation method to increase the interpretability of the results using the Factor Analyzer package in Python [33]. We calculated the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix for the 7 themes and plotted a scree plot to identify the “elbow” point, where the decrease in eigenvalues becomes less substantial. A scree plot is provided in Figure S7 in Multimedia Appendix 1. This helped us select the most meaningful structure in the data, with 2 factors identified as optimal for each data set. The factor loading matrix, shown in Figure 14, illustrates the strength and direction of the relationships between the themes and the 2 extracted factors, with higher absolute factor loadings indicating stronger relationships. Positive and negative loadings indicate direct and inverse relationships, respectively [34]. Figure 14. Factor loading heat map. Regression Analysis The OLS regression analysis on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety data sets from 2020 to 2022 showed that the suicide-dependent feature had a significant relationship with other independent XSL• FO RenderX features such as economic, social, domestic, educational, and substance. Figure S8 in Multimedia Appendix 1 presents the results, including the R-squared value, which indicates the proportion of variance in the dependent feature explained by J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 13 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH the independent features (r/Depression: 0.055 and r/Anxiety: 0.031); the coefficients representing the strength and direction of the relationships; and the P values (P>|t|, both at .00) that determine statistical significance. In both subreddits, a P value <.05 indicates a statistically significant relationship. Discussion We used a range of NLP techniques and statistical methods to perform a trend and thematic analysis, aimed at gauging the impact of COVID-19 on the mental well-being of individuals who are part of the r/Depression and r/Anxiety support groups. In the upcoming sections, we delve into each analysis in detail. Trend Analysis Time-to-Event Analysis for Question 2 The results indicate that 20% of the authors posted by day 28 in both r/Depression and r/Anxiety. In addition, 40% of the authors posted by day 62 in r/Depression and day 67 in r/Anxiety, whereas 60% of the authors posted by day 133 in r/Depression and day 132 in r/Anxiety. The 28-day period after the announcement could be considered a critical window when mental health concerns started becoming more prominent for many individuals on Reddit. This time-to-event analysis contributes to our understanding of how individuals affected by the pandemic increasingly turned to web platforms to discuss their mental health struggles. This emphasizes the need for mental health professionals and support organizations to recognize critical periods, such as the first 28 days following a major event, and prioritize resource allocation, interventions, and support measures accordingly. These findings can help inform future crisis management strategies to address the mental health impact of large-scale events on the general population. Mental Health Theme Trend Analysis for Question 3 In early 2020, there was a noticeable rise in posts mentioning COVID-19 keywords (eg, corona, COVID, ventilator, vaccine, and mask) in both subreddits. A peak in April coincided with high COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States, reflecting individuals sharing their fear and uncertainty. Regarding the proportion of posts, the r/Anxiety community peaked at 0.25, whereas the r/Depression community reached 0.20 around April 2020. Subsequently, there was a sharp decrease until July 2020, followed by a stable decline. Throughout the pandemic, the r/Anxiety community maintained a slightly higher ratio than the r/Depression community, suggesting different levels of concern and coping mechanisms among web-based forums. However, this difference can be accounted for by many different factors, such as the variations in moderation principles and community guidelines. Therefore, it is not possible to draw any precise conclusions. This represents the limitation of the study that we attempt to address. We observed prevalent themes such as economic stress, social isolation, domestic issues, education, substance use, and suicide ideation in the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits. These themes presented varying trends and degrees of impact across XSL• FO RenderX Zhu et al the 2 communities, revealing the unique experiences and struggles faced by individuals coping with depression and anxiety during the pandemic. In the r/Anxiety subreddit, the suicide theme emerged as the most dominant, accounting for around 63% of the posts, followed by economic stress and substance use. This indicates that the individuals in r/Anxiety may have experienced increased susceptibility to suicidal thoughts and harmful coping mechanisms during the pandemic. Conversely, in the r/Depression subreddit, economic stress was the most prevalent theme, emphasizing the significant impact of financial instability on individuals already grappling with depression. Social isolation was a shared concern across both communities, highlighting the negative impact of COVID-19 on interpersonal relationships. The importance of addressing educational challenges during the pandemic was evident in both subreddits. The transition to remote learning and associated uncertainties exacerbated feelings of anxiety and depression among adolescents, with potential long-lasting consequences on their mental health. By identifying and analyzing these important terms and themes, researchers, advocates, and practitioners can better understand the needs and experiences of individuals discussing mental health on social media during the pandemic. This can inform the development of more effective interventions and policies that are tailored to the unique challenges faced by individuals experiencing mental health concerns during the pandemic and beyond. K-Means Clustering Analysis for Question 4 For the r/Depression subreddit, the number of posts related to the “depression, anxiety, and medication” cluster peaked in August 2019 and has been decreasing since 2020. The “self-improvement and personal growth” cluster showed a trend similar to that shown by the “depression, anxiety, and medication” cluster. The “social relationships and friendship” cluster showed a steady decrease since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. The “fatigue and tiredness” cluster remained consistent throughout the period. Entertainment and hobbies did not show a significant increase or decrease after 2020. The “job-related stress” and “academic and school-related stress” clusters showed a stable trend throughout the period. The “life events and changes” cluster had a peak in April 2020 and has been decreasing since then. These findings in the depression group may suggest that the lockdown made people stay at home, where it is difficult to get any resources such as medication service, personal activities, and entertainment. This can be an explanation for the decrease of these clusters since 2020: because people did not have much chance to do these things, they did not discuss these things as much as they did in 2019. Meanwhile, the r/Anxiety subreddit showed that general anxiety and feelings of unease peaked in April 2020 and remained at higher-than-average levels throughout the year. The “physical symptoms of anxiety” cluster remained stable but showed a slight increase since early 2020. The “work-related anxiety” cluster also remained relatively stable throughout the period. The “medication and side effects,” “heart palpitations and chest J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 14 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH pain,” and “driving anxiety” clusters remained at consistent levels throughout the period. Overall, the pandemic seems to have had a significant impact on the clusters being discussed in the r/Anxiety subreddit, with many individuals seeking support for their general anxiety and unease during this challenging time. Zhu et al Thematic Analysis for Question 5 In conclusion, the factor analysis of the r/Depression, r/Anxiety, and combined data sets highlighted the importance of considering pandemic-related stress, economic concerns, and social factors when examining and addressing mental health issues during the period from 2020 to 2022. These findings contribute to our understanding of the challenges faced by these web-based communities and inform the development of targeted interventions and support. Heat Map Analysis Regression Analysis Through the heat map analysis, we were able to visually identify the patterns and relationships between the themes and subreddits. The heat map of the r/Anxiety subreddit revealed that the themes with the strongest relationship, in descending order, were suicide, economic, and substance. This suggests that individuals in this community were particularly affected by suicidal ideation, economic stress, and substance use during the analyzed period. The heat map of the r/Depression subreddit displayed the strongest relationships with the themes of economic, suicide, and social, suggesting that economic stress and social isolation were significant concerns for individuals in this community, along with ongoing struggles with suicidal thoughts. Two OLS regression analyses were conducted on the r/Depression and r/Anxiety data sets to examine the relationship between suicide theme rates (dependent variable) and various independent variables, such as economic, social, domestic, educational, and substance themes. On the one hand, the r/Depression data set yielded an R-squared value of 0.055, indicating that the independent variables accounted for 5.5% of the variation in the suicide theme. On the other hand, the r/Anxiety data set showed an R-squared value of 0.031, explaining 3.1% of the variance in the suicide theme. Factor Analysis The factor analysis of the r/Depression, r/Anxiety, and combined data sets from 2020 to 2022 offered crucial insights into the concerns and challenges faced by these web-based communities during this period. A discussion of the results highlights the following key findings: 1. 2. 3. 4. COVID-19 as a prevalent concern: the strong association between the first factor and the “covid” theme (loading of 0.99) in both the r/Depression and r/Anxiety data sets suggests that the pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of the individuals in both communities. The results emphasize the need for mental health support and resources tailored to address pandemic-related stressors and anxieties. Economic stress as a major issue: the second factor’s strong association with the “economic” theme (loadings of 0.53, 0.46, and 0.52) in all data sets indicates that economic stress has been a significant concern across both subreddits. This finding underscores the importance of addressing financial stress and providing support to those affected by job loss, reduced income, and other economic challenges. Social concerns in the combined data set: the combined data set’s analysis revealed that social concerns (loading of 0.99) were also a primary theme, suggesting that interpersonal relationships and social interactions may be essential factors affecting mental health during this period. This observation highlights the need to consider social support and connectedness when addressing mental health issues within these communities. Other themes with weaker associations: the remaining themes (“domestic,” “educational,” “substance,” and “suicide”) exhibited relatively weaker relationships with the extracted factors. However, their presence in the data sets suggests that they still hold relevance within these communities and should not be overlooked. XSL• FO RenderX In the r/Depression data set, the coefficients revealed the following order of strength of association with the suicide theme: economic (0.1273), substance (0.0912), domestic (0.0815), educational (0.0745), and social (0.0773). All independent variables had statistically significant relationships with the suicide theme, as evidenced by their P values being <.05. Similarly, in the r/Anxiety data set, the coefficients showed that the suicide theme had the strongest association with the economic theme (0.1093), followed by the substance (0.0890), social (0.0722), educational (0.0633), and domestic (0.0634) themes. All these relationships were statistically significant, with P values <.05. In both data sets, the economic theme consistently demonstrated the strongest association with the suicide theme. This finding could indicate that financial stress and economic hardships may have a considerable impact on mental health, leading individuals to experience suicidal thoughts. In addition, the substance theme had a notable association in both data sets, suggesting a possible link between substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Limitations We acknowledge certain limitations in our study. First, the data used for analysis were self-reported by users on subreddits, which may introduce social desirability biases. Second, the focus on r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits may not represent the mental health struggles of individuals across all web platforms or in real life, limiting the generalizability of our findings. Third, users may not necessarily discuss their own experiences when using the identified terms, and the identified theme terms may not encompass all terms related to the themes, which may lead to an overestimation of the relevance of certain themes. We also acknowledge that differences in post volumes could be attributed to various factors such as community guidelines and moderation principles. Finally, ethical concerns related to the use of social media data for mental health assessment, such as privacy and informed consent, need to be considered. Further research is needed to better understand the J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 15 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH advantages and disadvantages of using social media for mental health assessment during the pandemic. Future Research The study’s findings suggest that there are associations between certain themes, such as economic and substance use, and a higher proportion of suicide ideation. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of these associations, future research should explore them in greater detail and identify explanatory themes or factors that contribute to suicidal tendencies. Such research could help us develop more effective prevention and intervention strategies for individuals at risk of suicide. In addition, future studies should investigate other social media platforms and regions to enhance the generalizability of the findings. Future research could also examine how demographic factors, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status, influence mental health discussions and emotions during the pandemic. By addressing these gaps, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of mental health impacts during global crises and develop targeted interventions and support systems for affected individuals. Conclusions In conclusion, our study used a variety of NLP techniques to gain insights into the mental health struggles of the individuals participating in the r/Depression and r/Anxiety subreddits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our time-to-event analysis revealed that the first 28 days following a major event could be considered a critical window for mental health concerns to become more prominent. The COVID-19 keyword trend analysis showed a peak in April 2020, reflecting individuals sharing their uncertainty during the pandemic. Our thematic analysis Zhu et al identified prevalent themes such as economic stress, social isolation, domestic issues, education, substance use, and suicide ideation, with varying trends and degrees of impact across the 2 communities. The factor analysis highlighted pandemic-related stress, economic concerns, and social factors as the primary themes affecting mental health during the analyzed period. The regression analysis showed that economic stress consistently demonstrated the strongest association with the suicide theme, whereas the substance theme had a notable association in both data sets. Finally, the k-means clustering analysis showed that the number of posts related to the “depression, anxiety, and medication” cluster decreased after 2020 in r/Depression, whereas the number of posts related to the “social relationships and friendship” cluster showed a steady decrease. In r/Anxiety, the “general anxiety and feelings of unease” cluster peaked in April 2020 and remained high, whereas the “physical symptoms of anxiety” cluster showed a slight increase. However, we acknowledge certain limitations of our study, such as potential biases in the data collection and analysis methods, limited generalizability of the findings, and ethical concerns related to using social media data for mental health assessment. Further research is required to address these limitations and gain a more comprehensive understanding of mental health impacts during global crises. Future studies should explore the associations between themes in greater detail, investigate other social media platforms and regions, and examine the influence of demographic factors on mental health discussions and emotions during the pandemic. By addressing these gaps, we can develop more effective interventions and support systems tailored to the unique challenges faced by individuals experiencing mental health concerns during the pandemic and beyond. Acknowledgments This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (grants IIS-2041065 and IIS-2041096) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Strategic Prevention Framework (grant 1H79SP081502). Data Availability The data and code used in this study are publicly available on GitHub [31]. Authors' Contributions JZ as responsible for the experimental design, data collection, and analysis. RJ proposed the initial idea, oversaw the study, and provided feedback on the analyses. NY conducted the initial analysis of 18 subreddits. All the authors reviewed the manuscript and provided feedback on the analyses. Conflicts of Interest None declared. Multimedia Appendix 1 Additional data sets details, sample Reddit posts, and analysis descriptions to support the main paper’s investigation into the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. 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Abbreviations ADHD: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder API: application programming interface BPD: bipolar disorder LDA: latent Dirichlet allocation NLP: natural language processing OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder OLS: ordinary least squares PTSD: posttraumatic stress disorder Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 28.02.23; peer-reviewed by N Boettcher, M Navarro; comments to author 04.04.23; revised version received 03.05.23; accepted 09.05.23; published 12.07.23 Please cite as: Zhu J, Yalamanchi N, Jin R, Kenne DR, Phan N Investigating COVID-19’s Impact on Mental Health: Trend and Thematic Analysis of Reddit Users’ Discourse J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e46867 URL: doi: 10.2196/46867 PMID: ©Jianfeng Zhu, Neha Yalamanchi, Ruoming Jin, Deric R Kenne, NhatHai Phan. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 12.07.2023. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2023 | vol. 25 | e46867 | p. 18 (page number not for citation purposes)
JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al Original Paper Using the Positive Peers Mobile App to Improve Clinical Outcomes for Young People With HIV: Prospective Observational Cohort Comparison Mary M Step1, MA, PhD; Jennifer McMillen Smith2*, MSSA; Steven A Lewis1,3*, MBA, MPH; Ann K Avery4*, MD 1 College of Public Health, Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 2 Division of Social Work, Metrohealth System, Cleveland, OH, United States 3 Center for Health Care Research and Policy, Population Health Research Institute, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine at The MetroHealth System, Cleveland, OH, United States 4 Division of Infectious Diseases, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine at The MetroHealth System, Cleveland, OH, United States * these authors contributed equally Corresponding Author: Mary M Step, MA, PhD College of Public Health Kent State University Lowry Hall, 305b 750 Hilltop Drive Kent, OH, 44242 United States Phone: 1 330 672 2630 Fax: 1 330 672 6505 Email: Abstract Background: Disparities in HIV outcomes persist among racial, gender, and sexual minorities in the United States. Younger people face a greater risk of contracting HIV, often living without knowledge of their HIV status for long periods. The Positive Peers App (PPA) is a multifunctional HIV support tool designed to improve HIV-related clinical outcomes for young people with HIV. The app was designed according to the specifications of an in-care young adult HIV community in Northeast Ohio. Data provided in this study provide preliminary evidence of the usefulness of PPA as a relevant tool for engaging this clinical patient population in care and facilitating viral suppression. Objective: In this study, we aimed to describe variations in PPA use and examine the associations between use and HIV clinical outcomes between self-selected user and nonuser cohorts in the same clinical population. Methods: The PPA was offered free of charge to persons with HIV, aged 13 to 34 years of age, diagnosed with HIV within the last 12 months, out of care for 6 months during the last 24 months, or not virally suppressed (HIV viral load >200 copies/mL) in the prior 24 months. Baseline and 6- and 12-month surveys were administered via an audio computer-assisted self-interviewing system to all participants. The app’s user activity was tracked natively by the app and stored in a secure server. Participant demographic and HIV care data were extracted from clinical records within 12 months before the start of the study and across the duration of the study period. HIV care outcomes of PPA users (n=114) were compared with those of nonusers (n=145) at the end of the study period (n=259). Results: The analysis showed that younger PPA users (aged 13-24 years) were more likely to obtain HIV laboratories (adjusted odds ratio 2.85, 95% CI 1.03-7.90) and achieve sustained viral suppression than nonusers (adjusted odds ratio 4.2, 95% CI 1.2-13.9). Conclusions: The PPA appears to help younger users sustain HIV suppression. The app offers an important tool for addressing this critical population. The PPA remains in the field and is currently being adopted by other localities to facilitate their efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Although our reported observational results require additional validation and stringent ongoing surveillance, the results represent our best efforts in a pilot study to provide a measure of efficacy for the PPA. Next steps include a large-scale evaluation of the PPA acceptability and effectiveness. Given the building evidence of user reports and outcomes, the freely available PPA could be a helpful tool for achieving Ending the HIV Epidemic goals. XSL• FO RenderX JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022;10(9):e37868) doi: 10.2196/37868 KEYWORDS mobile health; mHealth; HIV; Positive Peers; retention in care; re-engagement in care; viral suppression Introduction Background Although clinical outcomes have improved in adults diagnosed with HIV [1], significant disparities remain for young people [2-4]. Most new HIV diagnoses in the United States are among adolescents and young adults [5]. Although ≥60% of younger (aged 13-24 years) people living with HIV are virally suppressed, significantly fewer Black and Latinx demographic groups are not [4]. Furthermore, among all young people, close to 80% are transgender or cisgender males, who most often (69%) reported HIV transmission as occurring via male-to-male sexual contact [4,5]. Given these trends, young people with HIV can experience the intersection of multiple disenfranchised communities, resulting in compounded stigma, social and family isolation, and socially determined barriers to HIV care [6-8]. The downstream effects of this burden can determine decreased lifetime health and overall longevity. Importantly, tailored mobile health interventions have been shown to effectively reduce HIV disparities for younger people and those who identify with a gender or sexual minority identity [9-12]. Mobile health apps can harness the dissemination dynamics of social media either by linking to existing platforms or by creating networks of people with similar health challenges [13]. As social media networks allow for a more user-centric, collaborative communication process, they offer greater opportunities for engagement with both health information and similar others [13,14]. However, although several studies have shown that social media platforms can serve as an effective channel for disseminating information [15,16], fewer studies link to health outcomes or identify mechanisms for change [17]. Therefore, mobile platforms that offer an effective interface for receiving tailored HIV-related information, track use, and afford users an opportunity to engage in their own recovery may have a meaningful impact on the HIV care cascade. Prior Work The Positive Peers App (PPA) was created as a suite of app functions that can address the range of possible needs a young person living with HIV might have [18]. Following the formation of a community advisory board, we developed specific technical features that promoted user agency to best address users’ needs and provide continuous, vetted, and tailored content directly to demographically defined user groups. The resulting PPA is the center of a social media–supported network that consists of a website, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter feed that reaches out to the HIV community with a stream of evidence-based HIV-relevant content, targeted at adolescent and young adult user groups. PPA functions range from passive to highly, including the provision of local resources (eg, housing and counseling), topical blogs, narrative accounts, medication reminders, a community forum and private chat. Evidence to date supports the PPA as being acceptable and received as XSL• FO RenderX intended by users [18,19]. User feedback suggests that the shared experience found among PPA users is perceived as both restorative and transitional [19]. PPA use has been linked to decreased perceived stigma, and users report that the privacy, opportunities for private instant chat, and simple self-management tools provide a useful, safe, and supportive space protected from discrimination and judgment [19]. Generally, we expect that the more a user engages with personally relevant aspects of the app, the more likely the person is to learn from the app content and form internet-based supportive relationships with other users. This prediction rests on a user-centric model of mobile app use that suggests user’s needs and characteristics of the technology interact to determine user engagement [20-22]. We expect greater engagement with the mobile app to influence the acceptance of promoted HIV messaging and increase the likelihood of desirable HIV clinical outcomes [23]. Goal of This Study Although users report liking the PPA and community [19], it is important to evaluate whether the app provides a clinical benefit to users. Our aim for this study was to determine whether PPA use provides a clinical benefit to young people living with HIV. We expect that (1) PPA users will be more engaged in care than a nonparticipating cohort from the same clinic and (2) PPA users will demonstrate greater viral suppression than those who do not use the app. In addition, we aim to learn whether relevant user demographics or personal characteristics are associated with app use or whether defined user engagement groups experience greater or lesser benefits. Methods Research Design The parent study for this work was designed to develop, build, and analyze the feasibility and acceptability of the PPA by the targeted user group [18]. This study used a prospective observational single-cohort design, with measures assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, and 18 months. This study was designed after the app was introduced in the field to extend our evaluation of PPA use to HIV clinical outcomes. App use was logged in real time and tracked directly by the operating system of the app. Clinical outcome data before and after PPA use were obtained from the electronic health record. We recognize that although a randomized controlled trial is ideal for isolating predicted effects, this pilot demonstration project was preceded by a lengthy preliminary design stage that precluded an additional clinical trial evaluation. Consequently, a cohort comparison design of PPA users and eligibility-matched nonusers within the same clinical population during the same time frame provided a reasonable option for evaluating clinical outcomes retrospectively [24] during the study period (October 2016 to May 2019). JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Ethics Approval This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board for Human Research Protections of the MetroHealth System (IRB:15-00741) on July 20, 2016, and is reviewed annually. Participants The study sample was derived from the HIV clinic population at a public hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, which serves as the primary source of medical care for the surrounding underserved neighborhoods in and around Cuyahoga County. Eligibility requirements for participation included (1) age between 13 and 34 years; (2) receiving HIV care within the health system; and (3) an HIV diagnosis within the last 12 months, out of care for 6 months during the last 24 months, or lack of viral suppression (HIV viral load >200 copies/mL) in the previous 24 months. Essentially, the participants were either newly diagnosed or not fully engaged in HIV care. Step et al variables. Consequently, we categorized the number of user acts variable to better compare the user’s app activity. Using the median value as a cutoff point, 3 ordinal categories of PPA use were created based on the number of actions a user took during the first 3 months of having the app on their phone: 0, none; 1, low or moderate (at or below median use); and 2, high (above median use). HIV Outcomes Consistent with the Health Resources Service Administration Ryan White program standards, HIV outcomes included engagement in care and HIV viral suppression [26]. Engagement in care was coded as yes if that had an office visit or laboratory tests completed at both 6 and 12 months for prestudy or poststudy entry. Viral suppression was coded yes if the viral load was less than 200 copies per ml at both 6 and 12 months following diagnosis. Study Recruitment and Comparison Cohort Statistical Analysis Potential participants were first identified via an electronic health record query and referrals from clinic staff. At the end of recruitment, the study sample included 114 young people with HIV who remained enrolled for the duration of the study period. Baseline characteristics were examined across and within samples of PPA participants and the nonparticipating cohort where Pearson chi-square test was used to formally test for differences between the app user and nonuser groups. Full data were present for all characteristics except race, for which ≤3% of the values were missing. A local cohort of young people with HIV not enrolled in the PPA pilot was identified for comparison with the pilot sample of PPA users. This comparison cohort (n=259) comprised patients who met the same eligibility criteria for enrollment in the parent PPA study and had a visit to the HIV clinic during the enrollment period but did not enroll to use the app or participate in the study. A manual chart review confirmed the eligibility criteria for the entire sample and provided a record of all clinic visits and laboratory results completed during the study period. It is unknown whether non-PPA user patients were invited and declined study participation or were simply not made aware of the app. App user activity, including the number of log-ins, features used, and number of user acts, was examined for PPA participants during the 6-month period following enrollment. Inspection of these data showed that app activity tended to diminish rapidly after 3 months. Consequently, user engagement with the app was derived from app activity in the first 3 months. Medians and IQRs were reported for the number of log-ins and the number of user acts owing to the noted skewness in distributions. Formal tests of significance were not performed because of concerns regarding the sample size. Measurement Demographic Characteristics Demographic information was collected from the PPA participants and comparison cohort. Variables included age, race, ethnicity, education, employment status, sexual orientation, and incarceration history, all known social determinants that influence disparities in HIV outcomes [25-29]. Age was categorized as 13 to 24, 25 to 29, and 30 to 34 years to facilitate comparisons among commonly defined age classes in HIV research [26]. Race and ethnicity were reported using the US Census Bureau categories. Finally, respondents were asked to report the number of times they were incarcerated in a jail or prison. Incarceration history was categorized for analysis as none, 1 or 2 times, or ≥3 times. PPA Engagement PPA engagement among app users was assessed directly from native app performance data associated with each user and stored on a secure server. Variables included the number of times the user logged in and the number of acts the user completed while logged in. Wide variability was observed across these app XSL• FO RenderX To test the contribution of app use to outcomes, 3 separate logistic regression models were developed by regressing each HIV outcome (ie, office visits, completion of HIV laboratory tests and HIV viral suppression) on PPA participation (yes or no), while controlling for baseline characteristics and measures. Interaction effects were tested in the models to assess the potential for effect modification relative to PPA participation and individual characteristics. For each outcome modeled, odds ratios and corresponding 95% CIs were reported for PPA participation versus nonparticipation in either the overall or stratified models (in cases of significant interaction or effect modification). In addition, outcomes were evaluated from the medical records before participation (before using the PPA) and following participation (after using the PPA) to determine if those measures had significantly changed for PPA participants. A McNemar test of agreement was used as a formal test of differences. We also examined the differences for each outcome with respect to app engagement using the categorized version of the number of user acts described earlier. Each outcome was evaluated separately for pre-PPA use and post-PPA use outcomes. Fisher exact tests were performed to test for JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 3 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al differences across the 3 categories of user acts. Statistical significance was determined with a P value cutoff of .05. Results Demographic Differences Between PPA User and Nonuser Comparison Groups Demographic characteristics between enrolled PPA users and the comparison cohort at the same clinic were compared. The unenrolled group were registered patients at the host clinic who either chose not to enroll or did not learn about the study. Table 1 provides the baseline characteristics and outcomes of the study sample groups. The young people with HIV studied across the PPA user and comparison groups were predominately male (310/373, 83.1%) and Black (257/373, 70.8%). At the start of the PPA study period, 69.2% (258/373) of patients had been out of HIV care. PPA participants, relative to the comparison group, were more likely to be younger, multiracial or other race, and newly diagnosed. Table 1. Baseline characteristics of Positive Peers App (PPA) participants and nonparticipant comparison groups. Characteristic Total (n=373), n (%) PPA (n=114), n (%) Non-PPA (n=259), n (%) Age group (years) <.001 13-24 88 (23.6) 40 (35.1) 48 (18.5) 25-29 158 (42.4) 52 (45.6) 106 (40.9) 30-34 127 (34.1) 22 (19.3) 105 (40.5) Sex at birth .12 Male 310 (83.1) 100 (87.7) 210 (81.1) Female 63 (16.9) 14 (12.3) 49 (18.9) Race .006 African American 257 (70.8) 78 (68.4) 179 (71.9) White 83 (22.9) 22 (19.3) 61 (24.5) Multiracial or other 23 (6.3) 14 (12.3) 9 (3.6) Newly diagnosed <.001 Yes 107 (28.7) 45 (39.5) 62 (23.9) No, noncongenital 252 (67.6) 59 (51.8) 193 (74.5) No, congenital 14 (3.8) 10 (8.8) 4 (1.5) Out of care .008 Yes 258 (69.2) 68 (59.7) 190 (73.4) No 115 (30.8) 46 (40.4) 69 (26.6) Office visits 6-12 months prior .91 Yes 100 (27.2) 31 (27.2) 69 (26.6) No 273 (72.8) 83 (72.8) 190 (73.4) HIV laboratory test 6-12 months prior .88 Yes 80 (21.5) 25 (21.9) 55 (21.2) No 293 (78.6) 89 (78.1) 204 (78.8) HIV viral suppression 6-12 months priorb a P valuea .27 Yes 61 (16.4) 15 (13.2) 46 (17.8) No 312 (83.7) 99 (86.8) 213 (82.2) P values generated from Pearson χ2 tests. b HIV viral suppression defined as not detectable: <200 copies/mL. PPA Use Across Demographic Groups Table 2 summarizes the types of PPA used across demographic groups. A total of 81.6% (93/373) of participants logged on to the PPA during the first 3 months following enrollment. The XSL• FO RenderX median number of log-ins by users was 9 (IQR 4.0-18.0), and the median number of user acts was 101 (IQR 46-183). Both median number of log-ins and user acts were lowest for the oldest 30 to 34 age group (vs other age groups), and the median number of user acts was higher for White users (vs African JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH American), single (vs in a relationship), and “nonstraight” (vs “straight”) users. Although people employed full time logged into the app more than the other groups, unemployed participants showed the highest number of user acts. Similarly, the median number of log-ins was the highest for females, while the median number of user acts was the highest for males. Both median XSL• FO RenderX Step et al number of log-ins and user acts were highest for Latinx ethnicity (vs not Latinx), those newly diagnosed with HIV (vs not newly diagnosed), those carrying private or commercial insurance (vs other forms of insurance or no insurance), and those without a prior incarceration history (vs with an incarceration history). JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 5 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al Table 2. Positive Peers App use by patient characteristics (months 1-3). Characteristic Logged in? (n=114), n (%) Number of times user logged in (n=93), median (IQR) Number of user acts (n=93), median (IQR) Yes No 93 (81.6) 21 (18.4) 9.0 (4.0-18.0) 101.0 (46.0-183.0) 13-24 34 (85) 6 (15) 11.0 (4.0-18.0) 93.5 (48.0-161.0) 25-29 42 (80.8) 10 (19.2) 9.0 (5.0-18.0) 115.5 (65.0-183.0) 30-34 17 (77.3) 5 (22.7) 6.0 (3.0-21.0) 58.0 (30.0-214.0) Male 82 (82) 18 (18) 8.5 (4.0-18.0) 104.0 (48.0-184.0) Female 11 (78.6) 3 (21.4) 11.0 (2.0-19.0) 85.0 (30.0-151.0) African American 61 (78.2) 17 (21.8) 8.0 (3.0-16.0) 94.0 (38.0-171.0) White 19 (86.4) 3 (13.6) 9.0 (5.0-18.0) 140.0 (63.0-193.0) Multiracial or other 13 (92.9) 1 (7.1) 9.0 (4.0-19.0) 88.0 (65.0-183.0) Yes 12 (85.7) 2 (14.3) 12.5 (9.0-23.5) 145.5 (91.5-237.0) No 81 (81) 19 (19) 8.0 (4.0-16.0) 93.0 (43.0-180.0) Yes 38 (84.4) 7 (15.6) 12.0 (6.0-18.0) 118.5 (65.0-192.0) No, noncongenital 46 (78) 13 (22) 6.5 (3.0-18.0) 97.5 (41.0-193.0) No, congenital 9 (90) 1 (10) 9.0 (2.0-12.0) 65.0 (38.0-94.0) Straight 21 (80.8) 5 (19.2) 8.0 (2.0-15.0) 70.0 (31.0-150.0) Not straight 72 (81.8) 16 (18.2) 9.0 (5.0-18.0) 113.5 (57.0-188.0) HSa graduate 75 (83.3) 15 (16.7) 9.0 (4.0-18.0) 102.0 (45.0-184.0) Not an HS graduate 18 (75) 6 (25) 8.0 (3.0-18.0) 93.5 (46.0-169.0) Full time 26 (92.9) 2 (7.1) 11.5 (5.0-18.0) 106.0 (70.0-193.0) Part time 21 (84) 4 (16) 5.0 (4.0-16.0) 88.0 (42.0-182.0) Unemployed 37 (75.5) 12 (24.5) 9.0 (5.0-18.0) 113.0 (45.0-183.0) Otherb 9 (75) 3 (25) 4.0 (2.0-12.0) 84.0 (38.0-150.0) No insurance 10 (90.9) 1 (9.1) 8.5 (4.0-16.0) 114.5 (48.0-161.0) Medicaid or Medicare 60 (76) 19 (24) 8.0 (4.0-15.5) 84.5 (36.0-183.5) Private 13 (100) 0 (0) 12.0 (8.0-22.0) 171.0 (106.0-248.0) Other insurance 9 (100) 0 (0) 9.0 (5.0-21.0) 94.0 (88.0-137.0) Single and not dating anyone 64 (83.1) 13 (16.9) 9.0 (4.0-18.5) 104.0 (44.5-199.5) In a relationship 29 (78.4) 8 (21.6) 8.0 (3.0-16.0) 94.0 (45.0-171.0) 44 (84.6) 8 (15.4) 10.5 (4.5-18.0) 104.0 (42.5-214.5) Overall Age group (years) Sex at birth Race and ethnicity Latinx Newly diagnosed Sexual preference School completed Employment status Health insurers Relationship status Incarceration 0 times XSL• FO RenderX JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 6 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Characteristic a Step et al Logged in? (n=114), n (%) Number of times user logged in (n=93), median (IQR) Number of user acts (n=93), median (IQR) Yes No 1-2 times 26 (83.9) 5 (16.1) 8.5 (5.0-14.0) 97.5 (58.0-169.0) ≥3 times 23 (74.2) 8 (25.8) 6.0 (3.0-18.0) 89.0 (31.0-310.0) HS: high school. b In school, disability. HIV Outcomes Between PPA Users and Nonusers We were interested in determining whether there were significant differences across HIV outcomes within our cohort of PPA users. Table 3 presents the results of regressing 6- to 12-month postbaseline office visit attendance on PPA participation while adjusting for baseline characteristics and prebaseline medical records. The data suggest that no significant differences in clinic attendance exist based on the PPA participation status. In other words, the clinical comparison group was no different than the group of app users in prestudy period clinic attendance. After the app use period, there were no significant differences in PPA participation in HIV clinical outcomes based on race or new diagnosis or out-of-care status. However, among demographic variables, an interaction effect was detected for age. Age-stratified results suggested significantly improved outcomes for PPA users in the youngest (13-24 years) age group. Across the youngest age groups, PPA participants were more likely to obtain their HIV laboratory tests (adjusted odds ratio 2.85, 95% CI 1.03-7.90) than same-age nonparticipants. Importantly, younger PPA participants were also more likely to be virally suppressed (adjusted odds ratio 4.22, 95% CI 1.28-13.89) compared with nonparticipants. No significant differences in PPA participation in either HIV laboratory tests or viral suppression were observed among the older age groups. Table 3. HIV outcomes between Positive Peers App (PPA) users and non-PPA comparison cohort. Outcomesa, aORb (95% CI) Office visits HIV laboratory tests HIV viral suppression 1.66 (0.99-2.80) —d — Reference — — PPA — 2.85 (1.03-7.90) 4.22 (1.28-13.89) Non-PPA — Reference Reference PPA — 1.86 (0.84-4.12) 1.07 (0.46-2.50) Non-PPA — Reference Reference PPA — 0.54 (0.18-1.64) 0.45 (0.11-1.75) Non-PPA — Reference Reference All patientsc PPA Non-PPA Age 13-24 years e Age 25-29 years Age 30-34 years a Outcomes are measured 6-12 months after baseline measure. b aOR: adjusted odds ratio. c Overall model adjusted for age, sex at birth, race, newly diagnosed, out of care, and 6-12 months prebaseline measures. d When modeling outcomes, all-patient models are not relevant when age acts as an effect modifier, and age-stratified models are not relevant when age does not act as an effect modifier. e Age-stratified models adjusted for sex at birth, race, newly diagnosed, out of care, and 6-12 months prebaseline measures. Effects of PPA Use on HIV Outcomes Tables 4 and 5 illustrate that engagement in care and HIV viral suppression significantly improved following participation in the PPA (27.2% vs 52.6%, 21.9% vs 45.6%, and 13.2% vs 29.8%). Interestingly, before PPA enrollment, eventual high users of the app were less likely to have had office visits (7/43, XSL• FO RenderX 15%), to have a HIV laboratory test drawn (4/43, 9%), or to have been virally suppressed (2/43, 4%) than eventual nonusers or low to moderate users. As shown in the prestudy columns, before downloading the PPA, only 15% (7/43) of high users had office visits compared with 33.3% (7/114) and 36% (17/43) for eventual nonusers and low to moderate users, respectively. However, following PPA participation, these groups converged JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al (11/21, 52%; 26/47, 55.3; vs 23/46, 50%), suggesting that app use facilitated engagement in care and viral suppression for patients most out of compliance. Table 4. HIV outcomes (Office visits and HIV labs) before and after Positive Peers App (PPA) participation and stratified by app use (N=114). Office visits? Pre-PPA use Post-PPA use Overall, n (%) P valuea HIV laboratory tests? Pre-PPA use Post-PPA use <.001 P value <.001 Yes 31 (27.2) 60 (52.6) Yes 25 (21.9) 52 (45.6) No 83 (72.8) 54 (47.4) No 89 (78.1) 62 (54.4) Yes 7 (33.3) 11 (52.4) —b Yes 3 (14.3) 9 (42.9) — No 14 (66.7) 10 (47.6) — No 18 (85.7) 12 (57.1) — Yes 17 (36.2) 26 (55.3) — Yes 18 (38.3) 21 (44.7) — No 30 (63.8) 21 (44.7) — No 29 (61.7) 26 (55.3) — Yes 7 (15.2) 23 (50.0) — Yes 4 (8.7) 22 (47.8) — No 39 (84.8) 23 (50.0) — No 42 (91.3) 24 (52.2) — .05 .91 — — .002 .91 — Number of user acts, n (%) None (n=21) Low-moderate (n=47) High (n=46) P valuec a P values compare HIV outcomes before and after PPA participation using the McNemar test of agreement. b Not applicable. c P values compare the categories of user activity against Pre-PPA Post-PPA HIV outcomes using the Fisher exact test. Table 5. HIV Viral suppression before and after Positive Peers App (PPA) participation and stratified by app use (N=114). Viral suppression? Pre-PPA use P valuea Post-PPA use Overall, n (%) <.001 Yes 15 (13.2) 34 (29.8) —b No 99 (86.8) 80 (70.2) — Yes 2 (9.5) 5 (23.8) — No 19 (90.5) 16 (76.2) — Yes 11 (23.4) 16 (34.0) — No 36 (76.6) 31 (66.0) — Yes 2 (4.4) 13 (28.3) — No 44 (95.6) 13 (71.7) — — .02 .72 — Number of user acts, n (%) None (n=21) Low to moderate (n=47) High (n=46) P valc ue a P values compare HIV outcomes before and after PPA participation using the McNemar test of agreement. b Not applicable. c P values compare the categories of user activity against Pre-PPA Post-PPA HIV outcomes using the Fisher exact test. XSL• FO RenderX JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH Step et al Discussion for managing the changing health and support needs as young people living with HIV adjust to a postdiagnosis life. Principal Findings Limitations This study aimed to assess the effects of PPA use on HIV clinical outcomes within a sample of out-of-care or newly diagnosed young people in one clinic community. Following at least 6 months of intervention participation, the youngest patient group (age 13-24 years) was more likely than the same-age nonuser cohort to see an improvement in completing laboratory tests and achieving or sustaining viral suppression. This is a significant finding because younger people are not only more likely to be unsuppressed and out of care but also burdened by psychosocial and behavioral risks that define this group as a high-impact target population for ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic [30,31]. There are limitations associated with this work. Research volunteers may have been more motivated to maintain adherence, regardless of their enrollment in the mobile app. The app was assertively promoted in the clinic to all potential volunteers for 2 years. There are many reasons a patient may choose not to download a health app, including privacy concerns, data download costs, and past experience with apps. We had no quantitative data on people’s reasons for participating or declining participation. However, selection bias is a known risk in observational studies and may be evident if PPA users and nonusers were different in notable ways. Data from Table 1 suggest that nonusers skewed older and were more likely to be returning after a lapse in care rather than as a newly diagnosed patient. People returning to HIV care are experiencing a different affective or psychosocial experience than newly diagnosed younger adults. We need to determine whether these differences are sufficient to preclude these patients from considering using the PPA. In addition, it may be that young adults aged >25 years are more engaged in employment, established relationships, or other life responsibilities, reducing free time for app use. Finally, there were significant and unexpected differences in app use across races. Additional qualitative or mixed methods studies may reveal the nature of these differences and allow us to craft messaging and in-app tools tailored to their needs. Future analysis beyond this single clinic population will allow us to better determine additional interaction effects that may be contributing to this pattern. It is notable that most PPA use occurred within the first 3 months of downloading the app. Although novelty may draw users to download and try an app, engagement quickly peaks as a function of continued exposure [32,33]. It may be that the knowledge gained from app engagement bolsters greater user health self-management. Specialized health apps such as PPA may facilitate positive habits such as tracking medication or marshaling support during difficult times. However, mobile app designers may also need to address novelty effects on study retention and design their recruitment and prospective data collection accordingly. Demographic Differences in Use The most frequent PPA users were aged <30 years, newly diagnosed, and White or Latinx. Females logged into the app more often, but males engaged in more acts overall while using the app, possibly suggesting more surfing within the app or less purposeful use [34]. For example, females may prefer to use the app primarily to meet relational needs by using private chat or community forum functions. We caution that these demographic differences may be unique to a single-site location and should not be used for generalization to larger groups. However, these findings provide a reason to further explore these patterns across sites with a larger sample size. They could be markers of more complex behavioral patterns associated with mobile app uses and effects. Among all PPA users, engagement in care and viral suppression improved 6 months from baseline, particularly for those in the highest app use category. Although we supported our prediction that greater involvement with the app would lead to greater effects, the mechanism underlying these effects remains obscured. Mere exposure to information is insufficient for explaining complex behavioral processes and outcomes [35]. Emerging models of user engagement with interactive digital media suggest that physical interaction with, and positive perceptions of, the technology interface predict greater cognitive involvement with provided content, which in turn motivates a user’s intent to manage, apply, and share that content [20,23,36]. Using this theoretical framework, we plan to conduct future research that will allow us to identify distinct use patterns over time to better understand how the PPA can be enhanced to support HIV self-management. We believe that freely available mobile apps such as the PPA could serve as a significant tool XSL• FO RenderX Finally, a limitation is also found in the small pilot study sample size, limiting our ability to fully adjust data outcomes to additional relevant influences. The results are representative of our local public hospital community only. However, we are currently in the field collecting a larger and more diverse sample that will enable greater precision in our estimates. Along these lines, a randomized controlled trial design will present a more robust test of app impact. A key concern for future research is the determination of a potential threshold for app engagement to facilitate positive outcomes. Nevertheless, the results reported here confirm the usefulness of the PPA as a supportive tool for young people living with HIV. PPA engagement may be occurring at a particularly formative time following a new diagnosis or return to responsible care. In this way, the PPA is a feasible and effective patient-centered tool for facilitating engagement in care at a crucial turning point in HIV treatment. Implications This study is predicated on the idea that greater engagement with a mobile app will facilitate the likelihood of achieving desirable HIV clinical outcomes. This idea of engagement or involvement in content is fundamental to modeling communication processes and effects [37]. Our findings support this hypothesis. Although the relationship between targeted digital content engagement and positive outcomes was supported, how that process occurs remains unseen. The cognitive or affective processes inherent in digital message JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 9 (page number not for citation purposes) JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH processing are at the core of this process but not the sole determinant of a given outcome. Current explanations of media use and effects are inclusive of the characteristics and features of various technologies to explain and ultimately predict outcomes [17,21,23]. Different technologies afford different experiences to users. Unlike general social media apps, the PPA affords users opportunities to tailor their anonymity as their confidence in the community grows, provides frequent social and medical information vetted by credible clinicians, and offers a supportive and monitored community that shares similar life experiences. Although there is variability across app users in terms of support needs and adjustment to living with HIV, these user differences can be intentionally targeted in app messaging and content [38,39]. This model frames our ongoing work and holds implications for future theorizing of mobile app uses and effects. This study also has implications for HIV care. Table 1 shows the nonuser comparison cohort to include significantly more people returning to care after a lapse in the medical management of HIV. This returning-to-care population may face different psychosocial challenges as they resume an adherent lifestyle. Continued targeting of this group may address a noted literature gap regarding best practices for re-engagement in care [40-42]. Importantly, the youngest set of PPA users was most likely to realize positive outcomes 3 months after enrollment. This Step et al population of people with HIV is of greatest concern to ending the epidemic efforts. Data presented here suggest that the app had a positive impact on these groups. Counselors and clinics who care for people living with HIV need socially relevant tools for younger patients. This is particularly relevant for rural communities or young people with HIV who desire remote, around-the-clock community support. Within these communities, the PPA offers acceptance, tangible support, self-management tools, and credible HIV-relevant information in one place. Conclusions HIV self-management is a significant challenge for young people that can be alleviated with the use of mobile apps that bring health information, tools, and supports directly to wherever they may be. Given that new HIV cases are predominantly among younger people, this approach is crucial for achieving an undetectable HIV status for young people living with HIV. Furthermore, acceptance into a knowing and supportive community may be a key resource for increasing HIV literacy and lessening internalized stigma [42]. The PPA is currently available via Google and iOS app stores, although users are required to verify their age and diagnosis via an electronic onboarding system. These data, taken with previously published results, point to the PPA as a useful tool for helping young people living with HIV achieve clinical outcomes that will both preserve their health and contribute to ending the epidemic. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Positive Peers App community for their willingness, enthusiasm, and relentless optimism. The authors would also like to acknowledge the support and collaboration of many professionals of the MetroHealth System who helped make this work possible. This research was funded by the cooperative agreement number H97HA28892 from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, and HIV/AIDS Special Projects of National Significance program. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the government. Conflicts of Interest None declared. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Moore RD, Keruly JC, Bartlett JG. 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[doi: 10.5555/ajhb.2007.31.supp.S19] [Medline: 17931132] Abbreviations PPA: Positive Peers App Edited by L Buis; submitted 09.03.22; peer-reviewed by J Jones, K Schafer; comments to author 02.05.22; revised version received 01.08.22; accepted 03.08.22; published 28.09.22 Please cite as: Step MM, McMillen Smith J, Lewis SA, Avery AK Using the Positive Peers Mobile App to Improve Clinical Outcomes for Young People With HIV: Prospective Observational Cohort Comparison JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022;10(9):e37868 URL: doi: 10.2196/37868 PMID: ©Mary M Step, Jennifer McMillen Smith, Steven A Lewis, Ann K Avery. Originally published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (, 28.09.2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included. XSL• FO RenderX JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022 | vol. 10 | iss. 9 | e37868 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes)
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Original Paper Fast and Accurate Detection of COVID-19 Along With 14 Other Chest Pathologies Using a Multi-Level Classification: Algorithm Development and Validation Study Saleh Albahli1,2*, BSc, PhD; Ghulam Nabi Ahmad Hassan Yar3*, BS, MS 1 Department of Information Technology, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia 2 Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 3 Depratment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan * all authors contributed equally Corresponding Author: Saleh Albahli, BSc, PhD Department of Information Technology College of Computer Qassim University Buraydah, 51452 Saudi Arabia Phone: 966 163012604 Email: Abstract Background: COVID-19 has spread very rapidly, and it is important to build a system that can detect it in order to help an overwhelmed health care system. Many research studies on chest diseases rely on the strengths of deep learning techniques. Although some of these studies used state-of-the-art techniques and were able to deliver promising results, these techniques are not very useful if they can detect only one type of disease without detecting the others. Objective: The main objective of this study was to achieve a fast and more accurate diagnosis of COVID-19. This study proposes a diagnostic technique that classifies COVID-19 x-ray images from normal x-ray images and those specific to 14 other chest diseases. Methods: In this paper, we propose a novel, multilevel pipeline, based on deep learning models, to detect COVID-19 along with other chest diseases based on x-ray images. This pipeline reduces the burden of a single network to classify a large number of classes. The deep learning models used in this study were pretrained on the ImageNet dataset, and transfer learning was used for fast training. The lungs and heart were segmented from the whole x-ray images and passed onto the first classifier that checks whether the x-ray is normal, COVID-19 affected, or characteristic of another chest disease. If it is neither a COVID-19 x-ray image nor a normal one, then the second classifier comes into action and classifies the image as one of the other 14 diseases. Results: We show how our model uses state-of-the-art deep neural networks to achieve classification accuracy for COVID-19 along with 14 other chest diseases and normal cases based on x-ray images, which is competitive with currently used state-of-the-art models. Due to the lack of data in some classes such as COVID-19, we applied 10-fold cross-validation through the ResNet50 model. Our classification technique thus achieved an average training accuracy of 96.04% and test accuracy of 92.52% for the first level of classification (ie, 3 classes). For the second level of classification (ie, 14 classes), our technique achieved a maximum training accuracy of 88.52% and test accuracy of 66.634% by using ResNet50. We also found that when all the 16 classes were classified at once, the overall accuracy for COVID-19 detection decreased, which in the case of ResNet50 was 88.92% for training data and 71.905% for test data. Conclusions: Our proposed pipeline can detect COVID-19 with a higher accuracy along with detecting 14 other chest diseases based on x-ray images. This is achieved by dividing the classification task into multiple steps rather than classifying them collectively. (J Med Internet Res 2021;23(2):e23693) doi: 10.2196/23693 XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar KEYWORDS COVID-19; chest x-ray; convolutional neural network; data augmentation; biomedical imaging; automatic detection Introduction Background The COVID-19 pandemic has been causing significant health concerns since 2019. Symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, headache, and severe respiratory complications, which can subsequently lead to death. When this disease first started to spread in December 2019, numerous unknown facts were reported in Wuhan, China, where the first outbreak occurred [1]. By early January 2020, the government of China and the World Health Organization recognized SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus known to cause COVID-19, as a pathogenic virus that belongs to the same family (Coronaviridae) as the virus known to cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). A SARS outbreak was previously reported in China in 2002-2003 [2]. Medical x-rays (short for x-radiation) are a form of visible light rays but with higher energy that penetrate the body to generate images of tissues and structures within the body, including bones, chest, and teeth. X-ray imaging is a very effective diagnostic tool and has been used for several decades by specialists to detect fractures, certain tumors, pneumonia, and dental problems [3]. In advanced cases, computed tomography (CT) can be used to produce a series of body images, which is later assembled into a 3D x-ray image that is processed by a computer. However, the traditional x-ray is a lot faster, easier, cheaper, and less harmful than a CT scan [4]. Research has shown that deep learning can be used to make predictions based on medical images by extracting characteristic features, including the shape and spatial rotation, from the images. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have played a very vital role in feature extraction and learning patterns that enable prediction. For example, a CNN is used to improve extraction high-speed video-endoscopy when the training data is very limited [5]. Advancements in image processing tools have brought about a radical change in the current techniques for the detection of pulmonary diseases. Researchers are employing traditional computer vision as well as deep learning algorithms to achieve satisfactory performance [3]. Several primary benefits are strongly correlated with the advancement of radiographic image classification tools. For example, in rural areas, owing to a shortage of doctors and places where doctors cannot be reached, such tools can prove useful. Once these tools become pervasive in the health care industry, radiologists, clinic practitioners, and even patients may utilize radiographic image classification tools to monitor and treat several diseases. As a result, this can reduce the burden on radiologists all over the world, by abolishing the requirement to examine every x-ray image for anomalies. Instead, the doctors will only need to focus on the patients whose x-ray images are flagged by this tool. The use of such tools can also eliminate the subjective opinion of doctors, increase the speed of early diagnosis of disease, and identify the minor details that may be overlooked by the human eye in some cases. XSL• FO RenderX For this study, owing to computational restraints, we did not build a model from scratch, as such models require extremely high-end computers. Rather, we used CNN as a class of deep neural networks to propose a model to classify COVID-19 x-ray images from x-ray images of a wide range of chest diseases. Although the x-ray images of the other diseases are inadequate for proper training and to achieve state-of-the-art results, we generalized the data by considering data augmentation. This mainly rescales the x-ray images and flips them horizontally, in addition to a few other functionalities such as shift range, zooming, and rotation. The strength of this study is that it classifies x-ray images at two different stages. The first stage involves enhancing the model to detect COVID-19–specific x-ray images at a faster speed than x-ray images of other chest diseases. This will result in a significant increase in the classification speed. Thus, considering a part of a dataset of chest x-ray (CXR) images for the analysis will result in low-quality output and unsatisfactory diagnoses. Accordingly, if the case is not classified as “normal” or “COVID-19” at this stage, then the classification is continued to the second stage, which involves classification for 14 other chest and related conditions (ie, atelectasis, cardiomegaly, effusion, infiltration, mass, nodule, pneumonia, pneumothorax, consolidation, edema, emphysema, fibrosis, pleural, and hernia). This also saves processing power if the x-ray image has been classified as “normal” or “COVID-19” in the first stage itself. To further enhance the accuracy of detection, we used UNet to complete lung and heart segmentation. Because we used a pretrained model, we were able to independently train 5 different models for each stage. Models with the best training and test accuracy were then selected for further analyses. Based on our findings, we found that ResNet50 is the best model for classification in both scenarios: classifying 3 classes and 14 classes. Moreover, image segmentation helps in increasing the classification accuracy by up to 5%. We also trained a model for all 16 classes and found that classifying for a large number of classes significantly reduces the overall accuracy of the model. The main contributions of this study are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Introduction of new classification pipeline for more accurate, automated classification in case of a large number of classes, primarily to increase the accuracy of a specific class. Use of augmentation and semantic segmentation to increase accuracy of the model. Comparison between different deep learning models on the basis of classification in cases of small and large number of classes. In this paper, we first review previous studies that used deep neural networks for the detection of COVID-19 and other chest diseases. Then, we discuss the datasets used for our experiments as well as the study methodology, including data preprocessing, data segmentation, and the setup for classification of the models. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Finally, we present the results and analyses on the basis of the models and dataset available. Previous Work Recently, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, an increasing number of researchers have begun to pay attention to intelligent, deep learning−based diagnostic techniques. Some of them have achieved significantly prominent results. In this section, we first review the current, state-of-the-art techniques concerning the application of artificial intelligence to chest diseases in general, and then, we discuss the literature related to COVID-19 detection using deep neural networks. Detection of Chest Diseases Based on CXR Images by Using Deep Neural Networks Sivasamy and Subashini [6] used a Keras framework to classify CXR images to predict lung diseases and reported an accuracy of 86.14%. The accuracy of the model improved as the number of epochs for training was increased. Wang et al [7] used pixel-wise annotated digital reconstructed radiograph data to train an unsupervised multiorgan segmentation model based on x-ray images. In this case, the gaps in nodules annotated directly on 2D x-ray images are quite challenging and time-consuming due to the projective nature of x-ray imaging. Rajpurkar et al [8] proposed a binary classifier for the detection of pneumonia from frontal-view CXR images that achieved an f1 score of 0.435. Salehinejad et al [9] used a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) tailored model designed for training with x-ray images wherein a generator is trained to generate artificial CXR images. Their model obtained its best accuracy when trained on an augmented dataset with DCGAN-synthesized CXRs to balance the imbalanced real dataset (D3). Chandra and Verma [10] used 5 different models to identify pneumonia and reported 95.631% as the best accuracy. The model is limited to analyzing only nonrigid, deformable, registration-driven automatically lung regions and segmented region of interest–confined feature extraction. Previous studies using state-of-the-art techniques have achieved effective results with one or two cardiothoracic diseases, but these techniques could lead to misclassification. A few techniques have targeted all 14 classes of chest diseases. Wang et al [11] presented the largest publicly available dataset of CXR images, which has provided a new dimension to the research community. They achieved promising results using a deep CNN and suggest that this dataset could be further extended by using more disease labels. Smit et al [12] proposed a deep learning−based technique to identify the 14 underlying chest diseases. They trained the model to input a single-view XSL• FO RenderX Albahli & Yar chest radiograph and output the probability of each of the 14 observations. Several models were trained to identify the one with the best accuracy. They used DenseNet121 for their research and found that it yielded the best accuracy, but it was limited to the CheXpert dataset and liable to overfitting. A pretrained DenseNet121 model and feature extraction techniques were used for accurate identification of 14 thoracic diseases in the study by Ho and Gwak [13]. Detection of COVID-19 Cases Based on CXR Images by Using Deep Neural Networks There are several state-of-the-art studies on deep learning and machine learning models for COVID-19 diagnosis. A study by Apostolopoulos and Mpesiana [14] took advantage of CNNs for the automatic detection of COVID-19 by using CXR images. They adopted transfer learning to solve for the small image dataset challenge. Their COVID-19 dataset consisted of 224 sample medical images. Despite the size limitation, their results showed effective automatic detection of COVID-19−related diseases. Abbas et al [15] used the CNN-based DeTraC framework. They also used transfer learning to achieve the best performance. This model achieved 95.12% accuracy and 97.91% sensitivity. Chen et al [16] provided a prediction of patients with or without COVID-19 by using the UNet++ based segmentation model. Narin et al [17] classified CXR images using the ResNet50 model and obtained the highest classification performance with 98% accuracy, using a dataset comprising only 50 COVID-19 and 50 normal samples. Li et al [18] also used a ResNet50 model with a dataset comprising 468 COVID-19 samples, 1551 community-acquired pneumonia samples, and 1445 non-pneumonia samples; this model achieved 90% sensitivity. Using deep learning approaches to extract and transform features, Li et al proved their model’s efficacy in COVID-19 diagnosis [18]. Furthermore, Sethy and Behera [19] used deep learning to extract deep features from x-ray images and then used state vector machine to classify them into COVID-19–positive and COVID-19–negative classes; they achieved an accuracy of 95%. Hemdan et al [20] used transfer learning and fine-tuning on state-of-the-art networks like VGG and ResNetV2 to classify COVID-19–positive and COVID-19–negative x-ray images; they achieved an accuracy of 90%. Wang et al [21] proposed the M-inception model, a variant of the inception model. They detected only COVID-19 CT images from all available images and achieved an accuracy of 82%. Table 1 presents a comparison of previously studies models using radiographic imaging classification for COVID-19 cases, normal cases, and other chest diseases. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 3 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Table 1. Comparison of models detecting COVID-19 cases, normal cases, and other chest diseases based on medical images (data derived from [22]). Reference Medical image Disease detected, n COVID19 Normal Other chest diseases Accuracy (%) Methodology Apostolopoulos and Mpesiana [14] X-ray 224 504 700 93 Used transfer learning on Used only 3 classes: VGG19. MobileNetV2, COVID-19, pneumonia, Inception, Xception, and and other InceptionResNetV2 Wang et al [23] X-ray 53 8066 5526 92 Introduced COVIDUsed only 3 classes: Net—the first openCOVID-19, pneumonia, source COVID-19 detec- and normal tion system Narin et al [17] X-ray 50 50 N/Aa 98 Used 5 pretrained networks and applied 3 binary classifications for 4 classes of chest x-rays Used only 3 classes: normal, COVID-19, viral and bacterial pneumonia 250 3520 2753 97 Defined 2 models based on VGG16: one to classify affected x-ray images from healthy ones and the other to classify COVID-19 from affected x-ray images. Then, they localized the affected areas. Although they used xray images of most diseases, they used only 3 classes: COVID-19, healthy, and disease Used only 3 classes: COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia, and healthy Brunese et al [22] X-ray Song et al [24] CTb 777 708 N/A 86 Proposed DRE-Net and compared its performance with VGG-16, DenseNet, and ResNet Zheng et al [25] CT 313 229 N/A 90 Proposed DeCoVNet for Used only 2 classes: classification COVID-19–positive and COVID-19–negative Xu et al [26] X-ray 219 175 224 86 Proposed ResNet-18 based CNNc network a Gaps in classification Used only 3 classes: COVID-19, InfluenzaA viral pneumonia, and normal Ozturk et al [27] X-ray 250 1000 500 92 Proposed DarkCovidNet Used only 3 classes: COVID-19, pneumonia, and no findings Ardakani et al [28] CT 510 N/A 510 99 Used 10 CNN networks Classified COVID-19 (ie, AlexNet and ResNet- class from 101) for classification of non–COVID-19 class 2 classes Li et al [18] CT 1296 1325 1735 96 Proposed COV-Net for classifying 3 classes Abbas et al [15] X-ray 105 80 11 95.12 Proposed DeTracUsed only 3 classes: ResNet18 CNN that uses normal, COVID-19, Decompose, Transfer, and SARS and Compose architecture Chen et al [16] CT 51 N/A 55 95.24 Used UNet++ along with Used only binary classiKeras for segmentation fication for COVID-19 and COVID-19 detection detection Used only 3 classes: COVID-19, community-acquired pneumonia, and non-pneumonia N/A: not applicable. b CT: computed tomography. c CNN: convolutional neural network. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Methods Dataset The first step involved preprocessing of the data, which includes segmentation of the lungs and the heart from the whole image, as an x-ray image contains many unnecessary details. To perform this segmentation task, we trained the UNet model on segmented CXR data obtained by the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, which were downloaded from their official website [29], and their corresponding masks, which were downloaded from the SCR database [30]. This dataset contains 247 images. For classification purposes, data for Albahli & Yar COVID-19 was collected from Cohen et al’s COVID Chest X-ray dataset [31]. This dataset contains x-ray images of many other diseases. Furthermore, x-ray images from the datasets were separated using the available metadata file. Data for the other 14 chest diseases were provided by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and can be downloaded from the NIH Chest X-ray Dataset of 14 Common Thorax Disease Categories [32]. Data available on the NIH Clinical Center website contains 112,120 images, belonging to 15 classes, which include 14 disease classes and 1 normal class—all of which were extracted through the available metadata file. The number of images per class is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Number of images per class in the National Institute of Health Chest X-ray Dataset of 14 Common Thorax Disease Categories [32]. Model and class Training set, n Testing set, n COVID-19 455 22 Normal 1995 405 Other 4600 730 Atelectasis 200 100 Cardiomegaly 200 100 Consolidation 200 100 Edema 200 100 Effusion 200 100 Emphysema 200 100 Fibrosis 200 100 Hernia 150 100 Infiltration 200 100 Mass 200 100 Nodule 200 100 Pleural thickening 200 100 Pneumonia 200 100 Pneumothorax 200 100 Model 1 Model 2 The data were randomly split into training and testing sets, as there were very few data related to COVID-19. The idea was to keep the training set as large as possible given the small number of images present. Image augmentation compensated for the lack of data. This was not an issue for model 2 images. For model 1, however, the lack of data can cause a change in testing accuracy. To compensate for this issue, we also applied data augmentation while testing. Data Preprocessing Every x-ray image has a different contrast and illumination as they are taken under different lighting conditions. Therefore, in the first step of preprocessing, histogram equalization was applied. CXR images also contain unnecessary details, such as XSL• FO RenderX the collarbone, shoulders, neck, and torso region. To remove these unnecessary details, lungs and heart segmentation were applied. For this purpose, the UNet segmentation model was trained on images from the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology with their corresponding masks. The architecture of the UNet model is shown in Table 3. The input image size fed to the network was 256×256×3. The contraction part acts as an encoder that extracts the context from the image using downsampling through the max-pooling layer. The expansive path acts as a decoder that precisely localizes the segmentation part using transpose convolution layers. It is an end-to-end, fully connected network and does not contain any dense layers. It also restores the image through upsampling. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 5 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Table 3. Architecture of UNet model. Path, layer, and type Kernel size Filters Input Layer N/Aa N/A 2 Convolution 3×3 16 3 Dropout (0.1) N/A N/A 4 Convolution 3×3 16 5 MaxPooling 2×2 1 6 Convolution 3×3 32 7 Dropout (0.1) N/A N/A 8 Convolution 3×3 32 9 MaxPooling 2×2 1 10 Convolution 3×3 64 11 Dropout (0.2) N/A N/A 12 Convolution 3×3 64 13 MaxPooling 2×2 1 14 Convolution 3×3 128 15 Dropout (0.2) N/A N/A 16 Convolution 3×3 128 17 MaxPooling 2×2 1 18 Convolution 3×3 256 19 Dropout (0.3) N/A N/A 20 Convolution 3×3 256 21 Transposed convolution 2×2 128 22 Concatenate (21, 16) N/A N/A 23 Convolution 3×3 128 24 Dropout (0.2) N/A N/A 25 Convolution 3×3 128 26 Transposed convolution 2×2 64 27 Concatenate (26, 12) N/A N/A 28 Convolution 3×3 64 29 Dropout (0.2) N/A N/A 30 Convolution 3×3 64 31 Transposed convolution 2×2 32 32 Concatenate (31, 8) N/A N/A 33 Convolution 3×3 32 34 Dropout (0.1) N/A N/A 35 Convolution 3×3 32 36 Transposed convolution 2×2 16 37 Concatenate (36, 4) N/A N/A 38 Convolution 3×3 16 39 Dropout (0.1) N/A N/A 40 Convolution 3×3 16 1 Contraction Path Expansive Path XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 6 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Path, layer, and type 41 a Convolution (Sigmoid) Albahli & Yar Kernel size Filters 1×1 1 N/A: not applicable. Data Augmentation Before feeding the data to the network, image augmentation was applied to tackle the problem of fewer data, that is, in the case of COVID-19. For applying augmentation, the rotation range was set to 90°, the horizontal flip was set to true, and the vertical flip was also set to true. For each iteration, the image data generator used a different transformation of the original images. In the case of COVID-19, we had 445 input images and 20 iterations; therefore, the data generator used 8900 images for training in this case. Classification Models The main objective of this study was to classify COVID-19 x-ray images from normal x-ray images and those of 14 other chest diseases. When a single model is trained for classifying 16 different classes, its accuracy tends to decrease, and in the case of COVID-19 detection, that is not acceptable. To solve this problem, a new pipeline was formed, which is illustrated in Figure 1. Two models were trained. The first model was trained to classify 3 classes: COVID-19, normal, and some other disease. The second model was trained to classify the 14 other chest and related diseases. Both models were trained separately. To automate the process, if the first model classified the x-ray as “some other disease,” then the second model was called to further classify the disease as one of 14 other chest diseases, using a simple “IF” condition. This architecture makes the classification process easy, as there are fewer features that need to be classified at the first stage. Figure 1. Proposed pipeline of classification. Classifier 1 only needs to learn how to distinguish COVID-19 and normal x-ray images from those of all the other 14 chest diseases. The rule is simple: the fewer the classes, the fewer features there are to learn and distinguish, and the greater the accuracy. This is critical because the classification of COVID-19 is much more important than that of other diseases during the ongoing pandemic. Finally, the burden of classifying the other 14 x-ray diseases falls on classifier 2, which now has 14 classes to classify instead of 16. Furthermore, the 2 most important classes have already been classified by classifier 1. Moreover, to support the statement that accuracy indeed decreases when classifying into 16 classes, a third model was trained for classification into all 16 classes. For classification purposes, the following 5 models were trained for both classifications: NasNetLarge, Xception, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, and ResNet50. XSL• FO RenderX NasNetLarge was proposed by “Google Brain” in 2018 [33]. It has two types of architectures—CIFAR10 and ImageNet. CIFAR10 architecture has N number of normal cells and one reduction cell repeating after each other; in the end, it has the SoftMax function. ImageNet has two strides of convolutional layers with a 3×3 kernel size at the start, followed by two reduction cells; thereafter, it has the same architecture as CIFAR10. Xception was proposed by Google in 2017 [34]. It consists of one entry flow, eight middle flow, and one exit flow. Entry flow consists of convolutional and max-pooling layers with ReLU as the activation function. The middle flow consists of only convolutional layers with the ReLU activation function. Exit flow consists of convolutional, max pooling, and global average pooling layers with the ReLU activation function; in the end, it has fully connected layers for classification. InceptionV3 was proposed by Google in 2015 [35]. The basic architecture of the model is the same, as it consists of convolutional and pooling layers; in addition, it has three J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar inception architectures as proposed previously [35]. Finally, at the end, it has the logistic and SoftMax function for classification into 1000 classes. InceptionResNetV2 was proposed by Google in 2016 [36]. It has the proposed inception and reduction blocks at the start, and in the end, it has a pooling layer and dropout layer to prevent overfitting. It classifies using the SoftMax function. Models were taken from Keras library in Python, which were initialized with ImageNet weights. These models can classify 1000 classes, but we only needed to classify 3, 14, and 16 classes for classifier 1, classifier 2, and classifier 3, respectively. Therefore, these models were fine-tuned, and additional layers were added. Table 4 shows the fine-tuning layers added at the end of each pretrained model. The input image size given to the models was 331×331×3. ResNet50 was proposed by Microsoft in 2015 [37]. It takes residual learning as a building block and consists of convolutional layers with an average pooling layer at the end. Table 4. Fine-tuning layers for classifier 1, classifier 2, and classifier 3. Type a Classifier 1 Classifier 2 Classifier 3 Output Kernel Output Kernel Output Kernel Average pooling 2048 2×2 2048 2×2 2048 2×2 Flatten 8192 N/Aa 8192 N/A 8192 N/A Dense 1024 N/A 1024 N/A 1024 N/A Dropout (0.5) 1024 N/A 1024 N/A 1024 N/A Dense 1024 N/A 1024 N/A 1024 N/A Dropout (0.5) 1024 N/A 1024 N/A 1024 N/A Dense 3 N/A 1024 N/A 16 N/A N/A: not applicable. All the models explained in the Methods section were trained and tested on Google Colab with 12 GB of RAM and GPU (graphics processing unit) assigned by Google Colab. Results of 16.75%, training accuracy of 87.13%, validation loss of 12.27%, and validation accuracy of 89.64%. Figure 2 shows some sample segmented CXR images. With image segmentation, we achieved up to 5% increase in the accuracy of our models. Initially, the UNet model was trained for segmentation of lungs and heart. After Training UNet, the model had a training loss Figure 2. Sample segmented chest x-ray images. After image segmentation was completed and new training data were obtained, each training model was trained for 20 epochs with a batch size of 8. The accuracy obtained from training is XSL• FO RenderX shown in Table 5. The table shows that the maximum accuracy for classifying the 3 classes, including COVID-19 was achieved by using ResNet50 followed by NasNetLarge. These two models J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar yielded accuracy that competes with that of the available state-of-the-art models for COVID-19 prediction. Classifier 2 did not show promising results in classifying the 14 other diseases. The main reasons for this were the large number of classes and the continued overfitting of the model. The maximum test accuracy achieved was 65.63% with ResNet50 followed by 61.47% with NasNetLarge. classes. Table 5 shows that when the 16 classes were combined and classified, the detection accuracy decreases. In all the cases except in the case of NASNetLarge and ResNet50 models, the test accuracy decreased when classifying 16 classes. Moreover, in the case of the NASNetLarge model, the increase in accuracy is not very notable. The maximum test accuracy was achieved with ResNet50, with an average of 71.905% over 10-fold cross-validation. As described, our proposed model pipeline helps to increase the accuracy of COVID-19 diagnosis when classifying 16 Table 5. Average training, validation, and test accuracy achieved by different models through a 10-fold cross-validation. Model and classifier Training accuracy (%) Training loss (%) Validation accuracy (%) Validation loss (%) Test accuracy (%) Test loss (%) 1st 91.80 33.78 91.25 31.32 89.66 32.028 2nd 84.67 52.45 61.22 127.83 61.47 127.99 Combined 79.72 68.36 63.68 123.42 63.58 121.39 1st 88.12 29.27 87.33 36.27 86.58 35.91 2nd 90.70 48.73 61.88 133.04 61.08 133.92 Combined 29.88 208.89 22.28 397.08 47.75 301.39 1st 65.87 69.25 63.43 57.38 63.19 5.233 2nd 83.91 56.46 53.57 142.22 53.75 139.97 Combined 65.52 110.33 38.31 176.24 38.83 174.97 1st 65.10 80.32 62.46 76.35 63.19 75.79 2nd 83.37 81.30 54.08 197.66 53.75 197.07 Combined 54.45 134.20 33.84 200.61 33.97 200.26 1st 96.32 9.84 94.16 23.09 92.52 20.32 2nd 87.83 35.85 67.55 105.63 65.63 108.24 Combined 88.92 26.16 73.14 87.05 71.91 88.95 NasNetLarge Xception InceptionV3 InceptionResNetV2 ResNet50 The results obtained by our proposed approaches compete with that of state-of-the-art methods (shown in Table 1). Graphs illustrating the training and validation accuracy and loss for classifiers 1, 2, and 3 are shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively. To further evaluate the results, the AUC (area XSL• FO RenderX under the curve), sensitivity, and specificity results for all the networks were studied (Table 6). We found that ResNet50 achieved the maximum AUC, sensitivity, and specificity scores compared to any other model. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 9 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Figure 3. Graphs illustrating training and validation accuracy (left) and loss (right) over epochs for different models of classifier 1. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 10 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Figure 4. Graphs illustrating training and validation accuracy (left) and loss (right) over epochs for different models of classifier 2. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 11 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Figure 5. Graphs illustrating training and validation accuracy (left) and loss (right) over epochs for different models of classifier 3. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Albahli & Yar Table 6. Average training, validation, and test accuracy achieved by different models through the 10-fold cross-validation. AUCa (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) 1st 97.61 90.73 93.42 2nd 82.15 75.33 81.1 Combined 93.88 90.15 93.85 1st 95.9 88.64 91.78 2nd 92.25 87.38 81.12 Combined 83.19 76.09 80.64 1st 89.28 83.2 85.51 2nd 91.69 79.53 81.25 Combined 89.85 83.29 93.7 1st 80.65 74.88 77.92 2nd 85.41 79.21 81.25 Combined 85.44 82.69 93.75 1st 98.73 93.14 95.22 2nd 94.6 85.64 81.03 Combined 96.9 93.4 93.72 Model and classifier NasNetLarge Xception InceptionV3 InceptionResNetV2 ResNet50 a Area under the curve. Discussion Principal Findings In this study, we classified normal cases, COVID-19 cases, and 14 other chest diseases based on CXR images. We proposed a novel, multiclass method for this purpose and used models that were pretrained on ImageNet dataset to save training time and resources. Our multilevel approach resulted in an increase in the classification accuracy. We found that ResNet50 was the best model for classification, yielding the highest accuracy. Future Suggestions This study tried to cover most aspects of detection of chest diseases, but there is still work to be done. Most importantly, there is a need for more data for patients with COVID-19, which could help improve the accuracy of the model. At present, there is a significant difference in the number of images per class for the first level of classification. This model can help in the first level of classification to determine whether the person has COVID-19 or some other chest disease, as x-rays are easier and less expensive than other forms of radiographic imaging and can help determine the severity of the disease. Although disease severity was not within the scope of this study, future work in detecting the severity of the disease can also be an important improvement in the already-existing model. In addition, techniques such as the XSL• FO RenderX Grad-Cam algorithm can be used to visualize the features in radiographic images affecting the algorithm and to determine disease severity. This algorithm will highlight which features help the algorithm with the classification and which features likely mislead the algorithm. This algorithm might also be the key to investigating the low accuracy of the level-2 classifier and can help improve its accuracy. Conclusions Deep learning has played a major role in medical image analysis and feature extraction, which are applied to the detection of a wide range of chest diseases. CNN architectures are popular for their ability to learn mid- and high-level image representations and to make predictions. Detecting the presence, or absence, of COVID-19 in a patient is insufficient without addressing other chest diseases. However, a deep learning system that is trained to classify a large number of classes—16 in our case—has less accuracy. This work aimed to deal effectively with this new pipeline to help with a first-level differential diagnosis of COVID-19 from other chest diseases. Subsequently, we applied further enhancement to detect other chest diseases in order to tackle multi-class chest classification in the detection of anomalies on x-ray images. This approach yielded satisfactory results. Thus, we showed how our proposed models use state-of-the-art deep neural networks to classify 16 cardiothoracic diseases by training the models based on x-ray images in the database. Image J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 13 (page number not for citation purposes) JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH segmentation was applied to remove unnecessary details, and both classifiers were independently trained on segmented data. 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Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 10.02.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included. XSL• FO RenderX J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 2 | e23693 | p. 16 (page number not for citation purposes)