Excellence in Performing Arts Research: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

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Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Excellence in Performing Arts Research

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Excellence in Performing Arts Research.

Formatting Requirements

  • Font is Times New Roman 12 pt. (10 pt. in footnotes/endnotes)
  • Title is in headline case (see Turabian - 8th edition)
  • Abstract displays accurately on Web
  • Abstract is first item of the document. Label section as Abstract with bolded formatting , left justification and double line spacing between heading and section text
  • No title or author information prior to abstract (this information will be automatically generated)
  • Left justify all headings; bold major headings and italicize subheadings; double line spacing between heading and section text
  • No headers and footers, including pagination
  • Margins are 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides
  • Single spaced, single column layout with left margin justified, half inch indent on first line of each paragraph
  • Graphics are clear/legible
  • Page size is 8.5 x 11 inches
  • No table of contents, figures or index
  • Start references/bibliography section on a new page
  • References/bibliography list is not numbered
  • Insert content of appendicies on same page as section heading
  • Document name includes author and title (e.g. Smith_Mozart's Operas)
  • Enter award information in submission form (format: This paper won the Award for Excellence in [Undergraduate or Graduate] Research, [Honorable Mention, if applicable], [School Year, YYYY-YY].)
  • Font is black (Color Codes: R=0, G=0, B=0 ; HEX #000000 ; C=100, M=100, Y=0, K=100)
  • Include a blank line before and after images/captions
  • Create Alt Text for all images (For more information about and on creating alt text, visit Penn State’s Accessibility & Usability site - http://accessibility.psu.edu/images/). To enter alt text in Office 2016, right click an image and select Format Picture. Then select Layout & Properties and click on the Alt Text menu. Enter Alt Text in the Description field and leave the Title field blank
  • Use a headings structure to organize your paper. In order to convert text to a heading in Microsoft Word, you must use the built-in Heading styles like “Heading 1” and “Heading 2”, available under Styles in the Home tab of the Ribbon in Office versions 2010 and higher. Headings should form an outline, using the “Heading 1” style for the main heading, and “Heading 2” for sub-headings. If there are additional levels of headings within the document’s outline, using “Heading 3”, “Heading 4”, etc.
  • Do not use tables. Other alternatives that are acceptible include listing the data outside of a table structure in the body of the paper or including the data as a graphic or image file