Editorial Board

The all volunteer editorial team/ board takes responsibility to identify and prevent academic misconduct. We proactively work with authors to encourage ethical and valid research when given the opportunity. The editor-in-chief shall be made aware of any allegation of misconduct and facilitates any recourse including but not limited to the public retraction of a manuscript, updating of manuscript with corrections, publish apologies, and denial future submissions. The IJFAE has in place procedures by which potential conflict-of-interest information is obtained from all Editors and Associate Editors on a regular basis; annually, or upon appointment or re-appointment. Such information includes identification of editorial service with related or competing journals, institutional affiliations, identification of frequent collaborators, etc.

Editors, in consultation with IJFAE Editorial Board, manage their own conflicts of interest as well as those of their Associate Editors, staff, authors, reviewers and Editorial Board members. They maintain a summary of relevant interests (financial, academic and other kinds) of all editorial staff and members of editorial boards (which is updated at least annually). Article submissions from the Editors or Editorial Board members are managed so that no details of the review process, other than the anonymous reviews and decision, are accessible to the section Editor.

Title Name Affiliation Specialism Email
Editor in Chief Jeffrey Pellegrino University of Akron Community Preparedness, Wilderness & Remote Settings editor@firstaid-revolution.org
Senior Editor Emily Oliver University of Manchester Helping Behaviors, Curriculum design & assessment, international research collaboration Emilyoliver143@btinternet.com
Senior Editor Christine Boase ESRC International collaborations, technology, social media Cjboase@googlemail.com
Editorial Board    
Country Board Member    
Canada Dan Anton Yukon University Wilderness
France Pascal Cassan Global First Aid Reference Center International relationships, harmonization of certification
United States S. Robert Seitz University of Pittsburgh- Center for Emergency Medicine Trauma
Lebanon Rosabelle Chedid Lebanese Red Cross EMS
United States Jonathan Epstein Ascend Learning Guidelines Development, Systematic Reviews, Translational Science
South Africa Peter Hodkinson University of Cape Town Emergency Medicine & Management
Canada Joanna Muise Canadian Red Cross Education
United Kingdom Katie Pavoni Kingston University & St Georges University of London Clinical Education
Uganda Paul Bitex Okot Uganda Red Cross Public Education
Hong Kong Axel Siu Medical Director, Ambulance Command, Hong Kong Fire Services Department Emergency
International Thomas Wilp International Committee of the Red Cross International policy, education, fragile environments
Hong Kong Au Kin Heng Constantine 區建恒 Emergency Care Training- Shenzhen Instructor training, Emergency medicine
United States Tammy Slater Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Guidelines Development
Canada Shawn McLaren St. John Ambulance Canada Organizational leadership, Professional Development