The campus continues to grow as plans and construction of two new buildings get approved. The Health and Physical Education and Fine Arts Building (architectural rendering above) become important additions to the campus landscape. In addition, Kent State Trustees approve the lease of 10.57 acres on campus to what will become the Stark State Technical Institute.
Browse the 1971 Collections
Montage Jan. 15, 197101/15/1971The mixed-party Branch Council seeks new student, faculty, and administrative members. New student president Henry Manthos reflects on the work of the Council. The Greek Council and student government used their combined efforts over break to raise money for charity. |
Montage Jan. 22, 197101/22/1971A staff member investigates the potential implementation of a birth control clinic on campus. A letter to the editor expresses gratitude for the new HPE building plans. Professors voice their opinions on the new evaluation system. |
Montage Jan. 29, 197101/29/1971Montage staff comments on the power of the board of trustees and the proposed "Home Rule." The director of the Student Activities Council implores students to input their opinions on what activities they would like on campus. |
Montage Feb. 5, 197102/05/1971The Ingmar Bergman film festival begins. An editorial responds to criticism made by student senate members. The student publications committee plans to meet about the potential for a Stark campus literary magazine. |
Montage Feb. 12, 197102/12/1971Free braille and sign language classes are offered by the North Canton YMCA. The geology club gets the opportunity to evaluate a community member's jade collection. The achievements of the women's basketball team are listed on page four. |