Abstracts for 2021 Poster and Artwork Displays. Each poster and artwork were also presented in a separate Zoom room where the presenters were available to talk about their research and answer questions.
Browse the 2021 Poster and Artwork Displays Collections
VR in the Aid of Legal Investigation04/23/2021This research project explores the potential of using VR to aid in crime scene investigation for legal use. To achieve the goal, we use a scenario to demonstrate this idea. While looking at this scenario we start by observing the traditional ways of building a case based on a testimonial. To establish credibility and gather further information we will investigate the use of technology in criminal justice. To demonstrate our ideas, we will use the data from the scenario and generate a 3-D model to create a visual representation. This research discusses and presents the potential flaws that can occur while using this technique and addresses the issues concerning access and affordability. We are hopeful that this technique could become in the near future another tool to aid in the legal process. |
The Prince of Ayodha Podcast04/23/2021Moderated by Dr. Jayne Moneysmith This research project will be exploring the connections and discords between the cultural and moralistic values in the Ramayana as well as in America’s Modern society This project will be using the Ramayana, by Valmiki translated from Sanskrit by R.K. Narayan. Our research examines the key archetypes and questions in response to the readings. The methods used to explain these concepts are academic research and taking on the roles of characters in the text to better emphasize the characters’ actions and understand their position in the story. Using these methods, we explain and propose our ideas and findings through an audio format resembling a podcast. Each student takes on the role and voice of a character to demonstrate our claims and conclusions. While being able to connect with and examine each character closely, we were able to draw some conclusions about the key differences and similarities between ancient India (4th century BCE) and modern American society. |
The Activities of Daily Living in Those with a Tracheostomy04/23/2021In this quantitative study, we focus on the activities of daily living (ADL) of people with a tracheostomy. We aim to better understand the factors for ADL in people with a tracheostomy and identify concerns along with a tracheostomy. The two questions we will address in this research are, “What are the common concerns of ADL with people who have a tracheostomy?” and “What are the factors that affect the ADL of people with a tracheostomy?” Research collection is currently being collected through an online anonymous Qualtrics survey posted on Facebook pages that have been created as a support for those with a tracheostomy (N = 31). Over spring break, we plan to analyze the data to display the effects a tracheostomy has on ADL. We hope to educate others on the effects people with a tracheostomy face every day with the results. |
River Relocation04/23/2021Many rivers in the United States and the world have gone through some form of modification throughout history. Changing a channel’s course, flow, or moving it to an entirely different location are many ways a stream can be modified. Changing a river channel’s course is meant to avoid constructing infrastructure and mining. It can also help with flood control, land reclamation, and restore rivers. Although there are benefits, it could come with some negative effects. Negative effects such as creating loss of habitat, increased erosion and sediment within the channel, decreases in water quality, vegetation loss, as well as increasing the risk of downstream flooding. This paper looks at the balance between the potential benefits and negative consequences of changing a river’s course based on pre-existing studies and scientific reports of stream changes. Through case studies stream modification have provided answers to different specific needs but have also created costs to the channel and its environment. By replicating a natural channel, it could be able to provide our needs, but also create minimal environmental damage. |
Nikkah04/23/2021Nikkah is an Islamic term and it means that the husband and wife are bound by a marriage contract, spiritually as well as on paper. I created this charcoal painting with the intent of showing the first intimate contact a married couple shares after signing the marriage contract, as is seen in a lot of Islamic countries. The husband kissing the bride's forehead is a sign of his respect and affection for her. |