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Title: Women Framing American Rights II: Framing the Call to Activism10/24/2014Title: Women Framing American Rights: Framing the Call to Activism and Service This poster presentation will focus on the theme of social activism. We will discuss and illustrate the relevance of inclusive activism and how social media can shape grassroots activism. Gone are the days of knocking on doors, posting leaflets and holding information nights to reach the current generation of social activists In addition, the poster will frame how instructors can create a social activist project during a semester. Our annual food drive was successful. Through use of social media, students access an understanding of how to create stronger social networks of giving. |
The Future of Child Development Laboratory Programs: Expanding Research From Collaborative Self-Study to an Applied Developmental Science Model10/24/2014Abstract will be added later. |
Technology in Apparel Design: What is Being Used?10/24/2014Abstract will be added later. |
Student Responsibility, the Path to Mastering Skill-sets With Confidence10/24/2014Abstract will be added later. |
Student Perceptions of Using Unfolding Cases in the Nursing classroom10/24/2014The intent of this project is to gain insight into student's perceptions of using unfolding case studies in the classroom and how these affect student learning. A literature review was performed in order to define what exactly an “unfolding case study” is and what outcomes have already been linked to unfolding cases studies. The PI designed unfolding case studies for each unit of content to be used in the nursing classroom, including innovative techniques such as patient monologues from the NLN’s ACES cases, and Lippincott’s Docucare to present the unfolding cases in a simulated electronic health record form. Students’ perceptions were measured via a brief survey with a Likert scale and student comments at the end of the semester. This study is still in data collection phase but preliminary results will be ready by the conference in October to be shared via a poster presentation. |
Statistical Consulting at Kent State University Libraries10/24/2014University-level statistical consulting departments are typically housed in departments of statistics or mathematics; very few university libraries offer statistical consulting services. Kent State University Libraries began offering free statistical consulting services for its research community several years ago, and the program has continued to grow since then. This poster compares KSU Libraries's consulting program to other university-level consulting programs, and shows some of our most popular consulting topics from the last year. |
Scientific Teaching10/24/2014Scientific Teaching, as described by the National Academies Scientific Teaching Alliance, is teaching science in ways that are: based on solid theory, tested and evaluated and organized in a logical framework (just like scientific research). Key elements of scientific teaching are active learning, assessment and inclusive teaching (or teaching for a diverse audience). The steps of designing a teachable unit (setting learning goals, identifying evidence for learning, planning activities and reviewing alignment) will be described with examples. |
QM Standards and DL Instruction10/24/2014We propose a Round Table Discussion on the challenges of creating quality Distance Learning courses using the Quality Matters (QM) standards as a guideline. QM standards, esteemed nationwide, presents guidelines for quality DL courses, which instructors use to check their course design strategies for effectiveness. This Round Table will present the QM standards at the start of the session and lead into a robust discussion of DL course design strategies and best practices to reach the QM standards. This session will address several pillars of the strategic mission of the university: how faculty meet their responsibilities to DL students; how QM provides critical insight for instructors designing DL courses; what knowledge QM imparts to faculty concerning quality DL course design; and how to use these strategies to engage students in the DL course. |
Prevention of Osteoporosis Fractures: The Fracture Liaison Service10/24/2014Osteoporosis, a bone loss disease, affects men and women resulting in weak bones, predisposing individuals to the risk of fractures even from simple falls. Fractures due to osteoporosis have become epidemic in the United States among older adults with over 2 million fractures each year- more than heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer combined. Over 75% of older women who suffer from a fracture do not receive appropriate screening and treatment to prevent future fractures. The Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) Model of Care has been shown to improve patient outcomes by targeting physicians and nurses to improve patient outcomes in the early prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis. Building a FLS program requires principles of curriculum development. Faculty at Kent State University, College of Nursing, who are advanced practice nurses, are serving on the National Osteoporosis Foundation Advisory Council in Washington DC and are involved in developing the FLS curriculum. |
Office for Continuing and Distance Education10/24/2014Abstract will be added later. |