As organizations are concerned about managing their content, it would be advantageous to know alternatives to outsourcing the content management to "the cloud". When decisions need to made because of budget or staffing restrictions, alternative solutions can be a challenge. The purpose of this presentation is to explore an alternative solution to host digital content in house for small libraries. This work seeks to explore using the single board computer called "BeagleBone Black", to host the institutional repository software Omeka. There are advantages to being able to host organizational content in house, and this solution could be an alternative that allows a library to have more control at a lower cost.
This project will take the reader through process of ordering, setting up the BeagleBone Black with Ubuntu, and then installing Omeka. The authors will show conclusions and suggest next steps for the reader to take if they are interested in replicating the work. The intent is to make the reader aware of cost effective solutions to manage content and be able to share it with the community they are trying to reach.