Abstract |
Solid Oxide Cells (SOC) are the kind of electrochemical devices that provide reversible, dual mode operation, where electricity is generated in a fuel cell mode and fuel is produced in an electrolysis mode. Our current work encompasses the design, fabrication, and performance analysis of a micro-tubular reversible SOC that is prepared through a single dip-coating technique with multiple dips using conventional materials. Electrochemical impedance and current-voltage responses were monitored from 700 to 800 °C. Maximum power densities of the cell achieved at 800, 750, and 700 °C, was 690, 546, and 418 mW cm−2, respectively. The reversible, dual mode operation of the SOC was evaluated by operating the cell using 50% H2O/H2 and ambient air. Accordingly, when the SOC was operated in the electrolysis mode at 1.3 V (the thermo-neutral voltage for steam electrolysis), current densities of −311, −487 and −684 mA cm−2 at 700, 750 and 800 °C, respectively, were observed. Hydrogen production rate was determined based on the current developed in the cell during the electrolysis operation. The stability of the cell was further evaluated by performing multiple transitions between fuel cell mode and electrolysis mode at 700 °C for a period of 500 h. In the stability test, the cell current decreased from 353 mA cm−2 to 243 mA cm−2 in the fuel cell mode operation at 0.7 V, while the same decreased from −250 mA cm−2 to −115 mA cm−2 in the electrolysis operation at 1.3 V.