Parsouzi, Z., Shamid, S., Borshch, V., Challa, P., Baldwin, A., Tamba, M., Welch, C., Mehl, G., Gleeson, J., Jakli, A., Lavrentovich, O., Allender, D., Selinger, J., & Sprunt, S. (2016). Fluctuation modes of a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal (1–). Physical Review X.
Parsouzi, Z., Shaikh Shamid, Volodymyr Borshch, Pavan Challa, Alan Baldwin, M. G. Tamba, C. Welch, et al. 2016. “Fluctuation Modes of a Twist-Bend Nematic Liquid Crystal”. Physical Review X.
Parsouzi, Z., et al. Fluctuation Modes of a Twist-Bend Nematic Liquid Crystal. Physical Review X, 22 June 2016,