This series of FREE virtual one-hour webinars are designed to cover some introductory topics in digital scholarship. The goals of the program will be to provide attendees with professional development skills to conduct research in the digital age and supply introductory training to areas that may not be covered in regular instruction and curricula. Topics include basics on digitization, text mining, copyright and data visualization. These workshops will also include time for discussion and questions. All are welcome to attend!
Browse the Spring 2022 Digital Scholarship Series Collections
Intro to ORCiD and OAKSORCiD offers individual researchers a unique numerical identifier that distinguishes them from others with similar names, ensuring that their professional work is recognized. This session will cover registration for an ORCiD ID, adding biographical information and scholarly citations, and using it for scholarly communication. This session also introduces Open Access Kent State, or OAKS, which is Kent State's institutional repository (IR). IRs collect, preserve and disseminate the research and creative output of an institution. Learn about how using ORCiD to contribute to OAKS can help grow and preserve your research and creative endeavors. |
Digitization 101This session will cover the basics of digitization, including benchmarks and best practices. However big or small your digital scholarship project may be, it’s important to have standards in place at the onset of the project. The session will also cover platform choice and long-term preservation issues for digital media, as well as some ideas for digital exhibits. This session will also include some basics on personal digital archiving, including some best practices on file organization and storage. |
Predatory Publishers and Open AccessIn this session, participants will learn about the concept of Open Access (OA) and its positive impacts for scholarly communication. Creative Commons licensing and options for sharing and reuse of scholarship will be explained, as well as the topic of predatory publishers and how to spot them. |
Intro to Text MiningThis session will cover the basics of quantitative text mining and how to get started with your first text mining project. We’ll focus especially on the types of data that are appropriate for text mining and the decisions that must be made during the course of a typical analysis. We will use the statistical software programs R and JMP Pro to demonstrate, but the information covered in this session applies to most text analysis software. |
Data VisualizationIn this session, participants will learn about various ways data visualization can help enhance research, including the tools and services available to university students, faculty and staff. |