Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship encourages design educators, design researchers, and designers to take advantage of opportunities in digital scholarship, learn how to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, and find new intersections within their existing research trajectories. To redefine what it means to be a designer and a design researcher today, we ask: How can design converge with digital scholarship in more than a superficial way? How might aspects of digital scholarship impact design research? What are the key questions at the intersection of design and the humanities?
This conference took place June 1-3, 2017 in Los Angeles, CA.
Keynote Speakers
Johanna Drucker
Breslauer Professor of Bibliographical Studies, Department of Information Studies, UCLA
Casey Reas
Professor, UCLA Design Media Arts, and Co-Founder, Processing
Erik Loyer
Creative Director, The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture
Conference Location
School of Cinematic Arts (SCA)
University of Southern California
900 West 34th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Organizing Committee
Jessica Barness
Associate Professor, School of Visual Communication Design, Kent State University
Her research resides at the intersection of design, humanistic inquiry, and interactive systems, investigated through a critical, practice-based approach. She has presented and exhibited her work internationally, and has published research in Design and Culture, Dialectic, Visual Communication, and Message, among others. She recently co-edited a special issue of the journal Visible Language with Amy Papaelias entitled “Critical Making: Design and the Digital Humanities” (2015).
Vicki Callahan
Associate Professor, School of Cinematic Arts, at the University of Southern California.
Her research and teaching is focused on the integration of theory and practice with attention to issues in film and media history, feminist studies, digital culture, media strategies for social change, and public scholarship. She was an NEH fellow for the inaugural workshop, “Scholarship in Sound and Image,” on Videographic Criticism at Middlebury College, and in 2015 she was in residence at University College Cork, Ireland as a Fulbright Scholar with a focus on digital media praxis.
Heather Corcoran
Director, College and Graduate School of Art; Professor, Design, Washington University in St. Louis
Her work explores relationships between information and expression in collaborative projects for social impact and self-generated projects for exhibition. She was lead author on the article “Making cancer surveillance data more accessible for the public through Dataspark,” published in Visible Language in 2013, and co-principal investigator on a grant funded by the National Cancer Institute (NIH), 2009-11. An exhibition of her work, Reading Time: Visual Timelines, Texts, and Canons, opened at Gallery 360 at Northeastern University in Boston in 2014.
Sarah Lowe
Professor, Graphic Design, University of Tennessee
Her work across technology, cultural heritage and museum studies researching the design of digital engagement with the public has led to research partnerships with The National Park Service, The US Holocaust Museum, and the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation. Her work has been presented at CUMULUS, NORDES and the Museum Computer Network (MCN) in addition to several DEC conferences. In 2012/13 she was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Oslo, Norway, researching the design of educational technologies in relation to learning theory.
Amy Papaelias
Assistant Professor, Graphic Design, SUNY New Paltz
She has presented her design research and pedagogy at Theorizing the Web, the Type Directors Club, NYC DH Week, TypeCon, and other DEC conferences. In 2013, Amy participated in One Week One Tool, an NEH-funded Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities. She co-edited a special issue of the journal Visible Language with Jessica Barness entitled “Critical Making: Design and the Digital Humanities” (2015). She is a founding member of
Holly Willis
Chair, Media Arts + Practice, School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California
Former DEC Steering Committee co-chair, Holly works at the intersection of cinema, design, media literacy and the humanities. She co-founded and launched the practice-based Media Arts + Practice program integrating design research and critical theory/making, and is currently involved with USC’s Mellon-funded Digital Humanities Program supporting humanists in manifesting their research through media-rich experiences. She has helped organize and has presented at many previous DEC conferences, including New Contexts/New Practices, Schools of Thought III and NEXT
USC School of Cinematic Arts
Washington University in St. Louis
Kent State University: College of Communication and Information, School of Information, School of Visual Communication and Design
Browse the Converge: Disciplinarities and Digital Scholarship Collections
Vocal Grammatics: An innovative type design research project06/03/2017Adrien Contesse, Ésad, Amiens, France Vocal Grammatics: Beatbox has roots in the late 1970s Hip Hop culture. In the beginning beatboxmainly copied instrumental sounds. Over time, beatbox evolved into a singular art using a wide and rich spectrum of sounds. The sounds produced in beatboxing rely on the skillful coordination of the vocal chords, breathing, and various combinations of mouthparts that cannot be seen when watching a beatboxer. The method for understanding and writing out these sounds, which has been developed by Vocal Grammatics, is based on a phonetic approach that analyzes the production of sounds with two basic parameters : the place where it is located in the mouth, and the way the air is moved to make the sound. In the Vocal Grammatics system, this basic information is represented by two different types of glyphs. When combined together, the glyphs create a compound sign. This award winning project has established a definitive glyphic system, which is able to write out all the thousands of sounds made by beatboxers using less than 30 glyphs. The Vocal Grammatics beatbox project opens the conversation about how design and type design offer new solutions to many language issues. Perhaps more importantly, the principles behind this system can be carried over into linguistic research and used to help researchers work with many different aspects of sound production, including research involved with speech disorders. Adrien Contesse is the founder of “Vocal Grammatics,” and is a French award-winning designer that specializes in graphic design and type design. He graduated from Ésad Amiens, France, where Vocal Grammatics was began as his master’s project. Since then his work has been published in several art and design magazines. Besides his work for corporate clients and cultural and institutions, Adrien Contesse is involved in several language/type research projects. He is part of the “Gestual Script” team and works on “Typannot”, a glyphic system that transcribes sign languages. This was a Poster Session on June 3, 2017. 11:00–11:30am (SCI Lobby) |
Visualizing California’s Water System: A Transdisciplinary Convergence Of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences And Design06/02/2017Barbara Sudick, California State University, Chico An epic drought and a mandate for the development of a sustainable groundwater management plan in California has brought together a team of diverse scholars, researchers and designers. Digital evidence of groundwater flow and understanding its relationship to other components of this complex natural system are critical to planning its sustainable management. Although the state is currently experiencing an unusually wet rainy season, the recent five-year drought significantly lowered the levels of surface water in our lakes and rivers. In many areas of the state, this shortage of regulated surface water resulted in over-pumping unregulated groundwater. An economist, a geographer and hydrologists collected data on water and land use in Northern California for the last 30 years. They needed a way to engage and educate a diverse public in a participatory process of co-creating a sustainable groundwater management plan. Working with the designers, the team is currently building an interactive data-visualization tool for understanding the patterns, behaviors and relationships of the water system. Visualizing complex data over time and space reveals the patterns that emerge from the behaviors of natural systems: agricultural land-use, supply and demand of water resources, fluctuating crop prices and changing environmental/weather conditions. These patterns can expose the ill effects of human actions on the environment, like the occurrence of subsidence (the sinking ground that results from over-pumping groundwater). Simultaneously showing events that are separated by time and space, visualizations can also explain how small events have the potential to cause significant changes in complex systems. Interactivity will allow users to filter data and create new relationships that invite comparisons, raise new questions and provide alternative explanations. This tool will help people to understand complex relationships, reach consensus, and make informed decisions about the future of California’s water system. Barbara Sudick is a Professor and Graphic Design Program Coordinator in the Department of Media Arts, Design + Technology at California Sate University, Chico. She has an MFA in Graphic Design from Yale University and for 15 years was a partner in an interdisciplinary design firm whose clients included IBM, ITT Programming, United Technologies, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Public Library, and Yale Repertory Theatre. Barbara has taught Graphic Design at SUNY New Paltz, University of Connecticut, University of Hartford and lectured at The Cooper Union and University of the Arts. In 2008-09 she was distinguished professor and Nierenberg Chair at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Design. Her research explores how design can contribute to the vitality of environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability. She has been an advocate for sustainable design education in her teaching at CSU Chico and more broadly as the Chair of the Education Committee, Center for Sustainable Design, AIGA and facilitator at the Global Summit on Design Education and Sustainability in conjunction with The Designer’s Accord. Barbara has presented her research in sustainable design internationally in Seoul, Korea and Doha, Qatar and at workshops and conferences throughout the US. She is co-author of “Redesigning the Bottom Line: How Design Thinking Can Help Business Become Sustainable” (with Phil Hamlett) in Praeger’s The Business of Sustainability: Trends, Policies, Practices, and Stories of Success. Frank Armstrong is a Lecturer in the Department of Media Arts, Design + Technology at California Sate University, Chico, teaching coding and design. He has a BA in Economics from UCLA and an MFA in Graphic Design from Yale University. As a design consultant, Frank worked for clients including Bell Communications Research, IBM, ITT Programming, Kenan-Flagler Business School and MIT Press. As a design educator, he taught at Boston University, Carnegie Mellon University, North Carolina State University, University of Connecticut and Yale University. His research and teaching integrate dynamic information visualization and typography. In 2015, he gave presentations on “Exploring Conditional Motion” with Barbara Sudick at the MODE Summit in Dublin and “Behavior Design” at the KSBDA International Conference in Seoul. His professional work has been published in numerous books and journals, including Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, Typographic Design: Form + Communication and American Typography Today. His essay “Hearing Type” was published in AIGA: Loop, Baseline and The Education of a Typographer. This was a Lightning Round Session on June 2, 2017. 4:30–5:00pm (SCI 108) |
Visual Thinking Methods for Understanding Each Other06/02/2017Jessica Parris Westbrook, DePaul University The design and development of systems, including products, games, and experiences requires the expertise of a wide range of creative people who need to share their ideas and communicate with each other. Some of these people are designers, some are researchers or data scientists, some are writers, some are architects, engineers, programmers, some are artists or media producers. Each person involved has discipline-specific skills and is trained in the use of discipline-specific language, tools, conventions, and methods. This paper/presentation collects and investigates visual thinking methods used in a range of creative practices. It seeks to go beyond the all too familiar Post-it note and traces histories and evolutions of established visual methods for generating, planning, capturing, sorting, and communicating in-progress ideas. Jessica Parris Westbrook is a media artist, designer, researcher, and creative coder. She uses design to negotiate and organize the joys and struggles of information and understanding. Westbrook is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Design, College of Computing and Digital Media at DePaul University in Chicago, IL (2016). Before taking a formal interest in higher education and learning, Westbrook worked professionally in a range of capacities from front-end web developer and interactive designer to creative director while maintaining an active independent interdisciplinary studio practice. Westbrook has an MFA in Photography from Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (1998), and a BFA in Photography from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 1996. Adam Trowbridge is a designer, programmer, and code media researcher. His current work focuses on biobehavioral interface design, mobile health, programming pedagogy for designers, and geolocated augmented reality. He is currently developing an OS for and by designers, starting with assembly language, as a speculative design and open source project promoting creative autonomy. His previous projects employed augmented reality to highlight police omnipresence and security theater. Trowbridge holds an MFA in Electronic Visualization from the University of Illinois Chicago and worked professionally in design and UI/UX in range of capacities including: Information Architect, Director of User Interface and Design, Web Developer, and Director of Project Management. This was a Long Paper Session: Practice and Process on June 2, 2017. 10:30–12:00pm (SCI 106) |
Using Digital Archives to teach Global Design History06/01/2017Dori Griffin, Ohio University This collaborative working session will bring together design educators who use digital archives as a tool for teaching design history, facilitating the sharing of resources and strategies. Both studio-based and scholarly historical teaching modes are welcome. Before the workshop, participants should reflect on their own praxis and bookmark their favorite resources. In what contexts are digital archives most useful as a resource for teaching history? How can digital resources expand our concepts of design history beyond the scope of the traditional Modernist canon of western Europe and North America? Which assignments have fostered successful learning experiences? What are the pedagogical goals of these assignments, and which digital archives have been most useful in meeting them? How might we guide the process of engaging with image research in the digital environment? We’ll use the questions above as a starting point. Further foci may emerge from participants’ dialogue around these introductory questions. The immediate goal of the session will be for participants to share resources and strategies with one another. The broader goal is that participants will generate collaborative content for a multi-authored journal article. This article will document how design educators use digital archives to foster critical engagement with global historical source material. Many design educators teach graphic design history as an addendum to their studio teaching practice, often without significant institutional support or prior training. Developing a body of case study literature benefits educators and students by providing access to practical yet critically-engaged pedagogical strategies. However, the indexed literature offers little record of the vital yet ephemeral conversations taking place at conferences. This workshop seeks to facilitate and record a substantive, multi-vocal dialogue that will be of lasting practical use to design educators. Participants with on-going investment in the topic may wish to work collaboratively as co-authors after the conclusion of the session. Others may wish to contribute only through participation in the workshop’s dialogue, which will be documented so that contributors may be properly credited. Explore the digital archives that make accessible the global design history artifacts in the header image (top). From left to right: A 1925 artist’s book by Hagiwara Kyōjirō, Shikei senkoku, in the Monoskop digital archive of Avant Garde magazines; an 1833 Cherokee hymnal in the Duke University Religious Materials collection; a copy of Two Technological Treatises, an Arabic language manuscript copied in Shawwāl 691/12 (1292 CE) and made available by the Qatar Digital Library; an anonymous 1967 Chinese papercut asking viewers to “Support the Army and Cherish the People” from the University of Michigan Digital Collections; and The Kalpasutra, a 1503 Prakrit manuscript (item #L0034105) in the Wellcome Library. This was a workshop on June 1, 2017. 3:30–5:30pm (SCI 209) Dori Griffin teaches graphic design and design history at Ohio University. She researches and writes about the history of popular visual culture in the twentieth century, as well as exploring issues in contemporary design pedagogy. Dori has published articles in Visible Language, the Journal of Communication Design, Dialectic, and Imago Mundi. Her first book, Mapping Wonderlands, was published by the University of Arizona Press in 2013. Currently, she’s at work on a book about the history of the type specimen as a visual form and a professional practice. This project emerges from her 2015 research fellowship in the Cary Graphic Arts Collection at the Rochester Institute of Technology. |
User-Centered Design: Design Thinking by Developing Understanding and Empathy06/02/2017MiHyun Kim, Texas State University Design as a professional discipline has undergone a tremendous evolution in the last generation from a practice focused mainly on aesthetic style to one with a clear and explicit focus on the “user” (aka: person or group of people who use a product or service) and their hopes, desires, challenges, and needs. By establishing empathy with the user, designers are able to work toward outcomes that meet those needs more successfully. This user-centered approach known as “design thinking” enables designers and others to address a wide range of complex business and social issues. Nowadays, design is measured by how well it fulfills our users’ need. When we shift the conversation from one about features and functions to one about users and user outcomes, we deliver more useful, usable, and desirable solutions. By doing so, more importantly, the design earns the trust, respect and repeat from the users. This poster contains hands-on activities for practicing collaboration and putting the user at the center of our design projects. There are 5 activities; 1) hope and fears 2) stakeholder map 3) empathy map 4) scenario map 5) prioritization grid. This poster explains each activity by establishing the design thinking framework, understand your user’s problems and motivation, explore new concepts, prototype designs and evaluate.
MiHyun Kim holds MFA from University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth and she currently lives and works in Austin, Texas. As a graphic designer, artist, educator and maker, she has always been interested in the relationships between binary pairs; Eastern and Western, Art and Eesign, and You and I. The in-between spaces are often hidden, secretive and few people pay much attention to them. For the past 10 years She has been teaching Graphic Design, specializing in typography, web typography, interactive design. Currently, she is teaching at Texas State University as an Assistant Professor of Interactive Design within the School of Art and Design. Reference This was a Poster Session on June 2, 2017. 4:00–4:30pm (SCI Lobby) |