Three-Dimensional Director Structures of Defects in Grandjean-Cano Wedges of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Studied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy

Smalyukh, I., & Lavrentovich, O. (2002). Three-Dimensional Director Structures of Defects in Grandjean-Cano Wedges of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Studied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy (1–). Physical Review E.
Smalyukh, Ivan, and Oleg Lavrentovich. 2002. “Three-Dimensional Director Structures of Defects in Grandjean-Cano Wedges of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Studied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy”. Physical Review E.
Smalyukh, Ivan, and Oleg Lavrentovich. Three-Dimensional Director Structures of Defects in Grandjean-Cano Wedges of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Studied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy. Physical Review E, 11 Nov. 2002,