Architronic is a scholarly refereed journal, exploring the new ranges of architectural communication available through digital media. It is a platform for both presenting and reviewing research as a journal, and a forum for stimulating dialogue on emerging ideas.


Volume 2 Number 1

Expanding Our Electronic Horizons [Editorial]

Fabrica et Edificio [Rediscovery]

Recollections of Architects and Architecture in Cleveland, Ohio

792,000 Reverberation Times: An Acoustical Analysis of Severance Hall, Cleveland, Ohio

Architecture in the Age of Hyperreality

Heinrich Huebsch and German Architectural Nationalism

Reading Between the Lines of a Few Notes: Two Compositions (The Second for Guitar)

Architecture, AIDS, Information, and Opportunity

Architecture for the AIDS Crisis: A Bibliography

Semiotext(e) Architecture 1992, by Hraztan Zeitlian [Book review]

About Architecture: An Installation by Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates [Gallery review]