The 2020 Hill Award recipients are Joe C. Clark, Sheridan Stormes, and Jonathan Sauceda, for the article, "Format Preferences of Performing Arts Students: A Multi-institution Study." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 44, no. 5 (2018): 620-626.
The award committee wrote:
[The article] reveals important information to consider regarding collection development and acquisitions for today’s performing arts librarians. The research design, study, and results clearly demonstrated student preferences among print, audiovisual, streaming, and reference resources, as well as the benefit of considering user preferences and behavior leading to more user-focused collection development and resource acquisition. One noted methodology was the use of focus groups in addition to the surveys, which allowed the researchers to gather in-depth feedback and reception regarding user preferences in a candid nature, allowing for more effective analysis of preferences. Librarians in charge of acquisitions may find this article helpful in guiding future purchases, or provide them with a methodology to gather their own patron input to make sure purchases suit the current needs of patrons.