The first known Stark Campus student newspaper was called the Canton Kent Stater. The first issue presented here was published in September of 1949 and is listed as Volume 4, Number 1. Because it was contained in a bound volume with all of the issues published during the 1949/1950 school year, it also served as the yearbook. It is speculated that volumes 1-3 may have been yearbooks and not student newspapers.
Browse the 1949 Collections
Canton Kent Stater Foreward, 194901/01/1949This is the foreward to the bound volume containing the 1949-1950 issues of the Canton Kent Stater. |
Canton Kent Stater Sept. 22, 194909/22/1949Even though the Canton branch's future was uncertain, enrollment for the 1949-1950 academic year reached a peak at 650 students. Stater staff tagged along for a tour of the Timken estate, the potential new home of the Canton branch. While KSRW, the branch's student-run radio station, sought new recruits, the branch dropped all varsity sports except basketball. |
Canton Kent Stater Oct. 14, 194910/14/1949Student enrollment for the term ends up reaching 702. Members of the administration get a special spotlight. The touch football league starts off their season with four teams and the University Theatre prepares for their production of "Papa is All." |
Canton Kent Stater Nov. 4, 194911/04/1949Two students get a front page spot for their Halloween costumes. The library's collections of science journals and books is showcased. Fraternity pledges endure Hell Night while the talented freshmen basketball recruits impress even the varsity lettermen. |
Canton Kent Stater Nov. 23, 194911/23/1949As the Canton branch looks forward to Thanksgiving break, the Stater reports that extension classes will continue to be offered by Kent. The Reindeer Frolic formal dance is set for December. |