The Learning Resource Center (Library) building is completed and described as "a joint project with Stark Technical College." 70% of the bones (12,000 years old) of a Mastodon appear on campus. The Mastodon Restoration Committee is hoping to get assistance with students to raise the funds needed (approximately $10,000) as well as helping with putting the Mastodon together.
Browse the 1976 Collections
Montage Jan. 28, 197601/28/1976Montage staff polls students on their opinions of John F. Kennedy. Art instructor Gerald Mullins gets a spotlight on page five, and student president Vera Thomas discusses student government's influence in the previous quarter and her goals for the coming quarter. |
Montage Feb. 11, 197602/11/1976Ecologist and student Gary Rogers is interviewed about the Canton Ecology Center. Phil Robb, theatre instructor, is interviewed about his job and his love for theatre. The theatre students plan to put on a production of "The Fiddler on the Roof." |
Montage Feb. 25, 197602/25/1976Montage's editor questions the existence of student unity at the Stark campus. Stark students are polled on their opinions of student government. A TED program is offered on campus. |
Montage Mar. 17, 197603/17/1976As construction reaches completion, the Learning Resource Center's new offerings are spotlighted in a two-page spread. A Stark music major is recognized in the International American Song Festival Contest. The forensics team raises funds to participate in a national tournament. |
Montage Apr. 21, 197604/21/1976Montage's new editor plans for the future and lauds his predecessor's attempts to break through student apathy. The Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee calls for nominees. Stark education majors teach physical fitness to local elementary school students. |