Abstract |
Pollution in urban areas, and more specifically urban lakes, affect local ecosystems. The surrounding environment both in the natural sense, and the social sense are seeing the effects that pollution has on the quality of life both in and out of the water. Plastic bottles, styrofoam cups, and spare tires riddle this environment and have a detrimental effect on the water quality. Nonprofit organizations have regular cleanups to help promote and advocate for a healthy environment both biologically and visually. Contracted firms conduct tests to verify whether or not the water is safe for human contact, as well as the biodiversity of the lake itself. This lake is at the center of two neighboring communities. Both varying differently in socioeconomic status and racially. Summit Lake in Akron, Ohio is at the epicenter of recreation and scenic views. The deterring factor is the constant pollution, and who or what is responsible for this persistent problem. Research and data collection over the vast amount of pollution in this lake shows whether there is a correlation with the socioeconomic background of the surrounding community, as well as the connection that the city of Akron has with waste management in this area. The Summit Metro Parks is a strong entity in this county. Their restoration project focuses on restoring the shoreline to its natural state, while adding accessibility to the community via a repurposed nature center and towpath trail. There are several factors that show contribution to the pollution in this area. The conclusions will show that it is a collective conglomeration of these various avenues.