Moderated by Dr. Mary Rooks
This script was inspired by the live Shakespearean performances of Macbeth and Othello. In the beginning the narrator sets the scene, introducing the audience to Macbeth and filling in missing contexts to launch the first act scene. In Act one scene one, we see a drunken Macbeth at a pub in Cyprus – a location that is used to tie the worlds of Macbeth and Othello together. Macbeth is mulling over his troubles and the plot concocted by his wife to kill King Duncan. Meanwhile, Othello enters the pub to break away from his ranks to drink his sorrows away because Iago (his righthand man) has sown the seeds of doubt to get Othello to suspect his wife is having an affair in attempt to deceive him. The two men meet and join in conversation that provokes them both to reveal their troubles to the other. Each man has their own moral and immoral perspectives: Macbeth is able to see what Othello is blind to, and Othello the more moral, is able to talk down Macbeth from the ledge of committing murder. Both men give the other council concerning the climatic point of each their lives. This fated moment shifts the outcome of each man’s life and shines light on events, that otherwise would have ended in calamity and death as it was in the original plays.