Miller, R., Kahn, M., Weber, L., McCutcheon, S., Strait, C., Park, A., & Maurer, M. (2006). TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 3 (1–).
Miller, Roger, Miriam Kahn, La Weber, Sevim McCutcheon, Connie Strait, Amey Park, and Margaret Maurer. 2006. “TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 3”.
Miller, Roger, et al. TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 3. 1 Sept. 2006,
Developing Authority Expertise: The NACO Experience at the Public Library of Cincinati and Hamilton County / by Roger M. Miller, Cataloging Services Department Manager, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
Book Review: Preservation and Conservation for Libraries and Archives / Reviewed by Miriam Kahn, M.L.S., MBK Consulting
ILF's Contract Cataloging Registry / by La Donna Riddle Weber, Library Technical Services Contractor Member, ILF Technical Services Division Executive Committee
Book Review: Cataloging Without Tears: Managing Knowledge in the Information Society / Reviewed by Sevim McCutcheon, Monographs Cataloger, Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
SARs: Going, Going, Gone: Coping Strategies for Libraries Regarding New Directions for Series Authority Records / by Connie Strait, Collections Services Supervisor, Greene County Public Library, with contributions from Amey Park, Database Maintenance Librarian, Kent State University Libraries and Media Services