Abstract |
For our Product Development capsule project, we were challenged to design and promote a new product line for Coastal Pet Products, Inc. targeting millennials as a new market to increase visibility and market share. As fashion merchandising majors, we applied our knowledge of business and fashion to design a line and marketing plan that complemented the company’s existing lines and took the brand in a new direction. We created “NOMAD” and focused on millennials who travel often. To research the new customer base, we analyzed studies and surveys regarding materialism, the scope of the travel industry, millennial job expectations, the importance of pets in their lives, and the way they use social media. We found that there is a trend of millennials living nomadic lifestyles, postponing marriage, and cherishing pets as companions. This generation is more likely to travel and prefers visual communication methods. Because the target customer does not prioritize material goods, we knew our product had to be ultimately functional in addition to having aesthetically pleasing visuals. The products we designed are all travel-oriented and multipurpose. Our project was one of seven chosen to present to Coastal Pet Products, Inc., who determined that ours was the one superior in terms of market research, product design, marketing strategy, and potential salability. We sold our intellectual property to Coastal Pet Products, Inc. who are looking to incorporate our ideas into their future lines.
Modified Abstract |
For our Product Development capsule project, we were challenged to design and promote a new product line for Coastal Pet Products, Inc. targeting millennials as a new market to increase visibility and market share. We focused on millennials who travel and move often, and our research into their lifestyles led us to create “NOMAD”—multifunctional and aesthetically pleasing travel-oriented products. Our project was one of seven chosen to present to Coastal Pet Products, Inc., who determined that ours was the one superior in terms of market research, product design, marketing strategy, and potential salability. We sold our intellectual property to Coastal Pet Products, Inc. who are looking to incorporate our ideas into their future lines.
2 foam core mood boards