In today’s society consumers are the biggest advocates of fast fashion. The aim and purpose of our research is to see what the different disposal methods consumers use. A lot of consumers donated clothing instead of throwing them directly away. We want to examine U.S. consumers’ disposal habits, but our main focus would be to investigate the methods consumers use when they dispose of their clothes or decide they don’t want specific clothing items.
There are many different disposal methods that are popular or on the rise. An example is when consumers throw clothes away and they get shipped to India and they recycle them and turn them into thread. They also donate them to shelters since shelters always give back to those who are less fortunate. To get some results, we plan to do a content analysis on social media. We will create social media posts that aim toward our research question, to get a conversation going. In addition, we plan on sending out a survey via email and through social media to get feedback about our research topic. We expect our results to be that the consumer either donates clothing, throws them away, hoards or reconstructs them.