Development of FRET-based Assay to Pbserve Binding of RNA Modification Enzyme RsuA-127 to 5' Domain of 16S Ribosomal RNA

Frisbie, S. (n.d.). Development of FRET-based Assay to Pbserve Binding of RNA Modification Enzyme RsuA-127 to 5’ Domain of 16S Ribosomal RNA (1–).
Frisbie, Sean. n.d. “Development of FRET-Based Assay to Pbserve Binding of RNA Modification Enzyme RsuA-127 to 5’ Domain of 16S Ribosomal RNA”.
Frisbie, Sean. Development of FRET-Based Assay to Pbserve Binding of RNA Modification Enzyme RsuA-127 to 5’ Domain of 16S Ribosomal RNA.