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Abstract |
Our project focuses on food insecurity among Kent State students. Currently, there is insufficient funding, resources, and support to address this issue. Food pantries have been created on campus to help support students who experience food insecurity, one being the Campus Kitchen. The Campus Kitchen is a nonprofit student organization that is associated with the university. This organization provides a food pantry to students and prepares meals for off campus non profit community partners. This is a very important organization, however it does not receive any funding from the university, which makes upkeep more difficult. The facility that Campus Kitchen is housed in was donated by the university, but that is as far as university support has gone. With no funding, budget, or substantial support from the university, Campus Kitchen has no other option than to reach out to other organizations for support. The Women's Center also provides a food pantry for students, however, they are experiencing the same situation as the Campus Kitchen. With that being said, not enough students and staff know about these organizations or the problem of food insecurity itself. Without knowledge of this issue and the resources provided on campus, support is challenging to find. By increasing community support from on campus and off campus organizations, the pantries will be able to increase their supplies in order to better support food insecure students. Our main goal is to bring awareness to food insecurity in order to grow the preexisting entities that tackle this problem.
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Faculty Mentor
Taylor Petti |
Modified Abstract |
Our project focuses on food insecurity among Kent State students. There is insufficient funding, resources, and support to address this issue. Food pantries, like Campus Kitchen, have been created on campus to help support students who experience food insecurity. With no funding, budget, or substantial support from the university, Campus Kitchen has no other option than to reach out to other organizations for support. The Women's Center’s pantry faces similar issues. Not enough students and staff know about these organizations or food insecurity itself. By increasing community support from on campus and off campus organizations, the pantries can increase their supplies and better support students. Our main goal is to bring awareness to food insecurity to grow the pre-existing entities that tackle this problem. |
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Feeding Flashes
Allison, T., Cruz, N., Hibbett, K., & Marin, A. (n.d.). Feeding Flashes (1–).
Allison, Tye, Natalia Cruz, Kristyn Hibbett, and Alexis Marin. n.d. “Feeding Flashes”.
Allison, Tye, et al. Feeding Flashes.