Abstract |
As patients approach the end of life, they need to have final conversations with loved ones for positive end-of-life experiences. However, these conversations can be difficult, requiring facilitation by healthcare providers. End-of-life conversation education is needed for peaceful patient death, which is possible with live simulation. The PICO question is how does an interprofessional live simulation affect end-of-life knowledge in nursing and medical students? Methods This literature review compiles the existing knowledge of interprofessional end-of-life care simulations and the gaps in the literature from various databases. Results/Discussion upon completion, fourteen articles involved interdisciplinary end-of-life simulations. Half of these articles contained simulations with successful education. The remaining discussed the need for hands-on education prior to becoming a care provider. In conclusion, the literature was not vast, but those who used simulation found it successful. End-of-life conversation simulation should be implemented in undergraduate programs to improve future patient care.
🏆 Winner, 1st Place: Nursing
Symposium brochure page 32