This collection includes recent scholarship by the faculty at Kent State University Libraries.
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An exploration of feedback orientation in library workers07/2024Feedback orientation is a measure of individual attitudes and receptivity towards feedback. Library managers and workers need to be aware of this individual difference to effectively leverage feedback for individual and organizational success. This exploratory study provides an evaluation and baseline measure of feedback orientation in libraries along with an analysis of individual and organizational factors that predict feedback orientation in library workers. An online survey of library workers (n = 332) revealed overall feedback orientation is in line with other professions. Findings show positive dispositional affect, affective-based interpersonal trust in the direct supervisor relationship, and employee's perception of organizational fairness, are all predictors of feedback orientation in library workers. This study generates awareness of feedback orientation in libraries and has implications for practice, especially for library supervisors who can tailor their feedback approaches to meet the needs of individual employees. |
Suicide and suicidality among collegiate student athletes: A scoping review07/2024Objective: Participation in college athletics has traditionally been presumed to counter poor mental health outcomes including death by suicide. While previously reported incidents generally involve male football players, recent incidents suggest changing trends in frequency, sport, and sex. This research aims to summarize the breadth and limitations of existing research on death by suicide among U.S. collegiate student-athletes. Participants and Methods: This scoping review followed Joanna Briggs Institute guidance. Afinal sample of 19 research studies were identified through a comprehensive search including APAPsychINFO, PubMed, MEDLINEComplete, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHLdatabases and Gray Literature sources. Results: Most studied outcomes were suicidal ideation and attempt. Research on assessment of suicide prevention interventions for student-athletes is lacking. Conclusions: The paucity of research found on suicidal behaviors among collegiate student-athletes, including a lack of intervention research, in conjunction with recent trends suggest the need for a renewed focus on this topic. |
Digital Pivot: Online Reference Patterns Pre, During, Post-Pandemic in Academia06/29/2024Poster presentation at the 2024 ALA (American Library Association) Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, June 27-July 2, 2024 Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the academic sector, resulting in campus closures and forcing academic libraries to make service adjustments to ensure that students and instructors continue learning and teaching without disruption. As the pandemic subsided, campuses reopened, and students returned to school. Reference services continued to provide uninterrupted services throughout the pandemic. This study aims to present how patrons use reference services during the pandemic. Specifically, what types of questions users asked before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic to determine if there were any changes in their inquiry patterns? Inquires from the Online Chat database (LibAnswer) between fall semesters 2020 and 2023 will be analyzed to categorize the types of questions. The analysis will also encompass the reference inquiries' attributes, such as the duration of the transaction and its outcomes, to provide in-depth information about the nature of the reference question. Specifically, the studies aim to Learning Objectives:
Can Generative AI tools answer STEM reference questions effectively?06/2024Conference: 2024 ALA (American Library Association) Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, June 27-July 2, 2024 Website: |
Teaching an information literacy class: Approaches & Lessons Learned06/20242024 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 23-26, 2024 Type: ASEE ELD (Engineering Libraries Division) lightning talks Conference website: |