Damasco, I., Miller, R., Dunlap, J., Poole, J., Park, A., & Maurer, M. (2006). TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 2 (1–). https://oaks.kent.edu/node/4993
Damasco, Ione, Roger Miller, Julia Dunlap, Jeanne Poole, Amey Park, and Margaret Maurer. 2006. “TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 2”. https://oaks.kent.edu/node/4993.
Damasco, Ione, et al. TechKNOW Volume 12, Issue 2. 1 July 2006, https://oaks.kent.edu/node/4993.
FAST: Faceted Application of Subject Terminology--A new spin on an old standard / by Ione T. Damasco, Cataloger Librarian University of Dayton
Mohican II a Roaring Success / by Roger M. Miller, Manager, Catalog Department Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
A Deaf Librarian's First Time at the OLC's TS Retreat / by Julia Dunlap, Catalog Librarian, Arkansas State University
Cataloging Playaways--Is it in Your Future? / by Jeanne Poole, Assistant Manager, Technical Services/Catalog Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
Death Dates Added to Some Personal Name Headings / by Amey L. Park, Database Maintenance Librarian, Kent State University Libraries and Media Services