Abstract |
An analysis into how aware are Black students, ages 18-26 at Kent State University, are of Afrocentric Rites of Passage. A qualitative method was utilized to collect literature to explain Afrocentric compared to Eurocentric application of education, exploring Afrocentric Rites of Passage fundamentalism and canonical texts, and how “Rites” can be a cultural matrix for education. Afrocentric Rites of Passage was chosen as the basis of research to challenge the methodology of education in USA. A questionnaire was also developed to collect personal data from Black students to assess the awareness of Afrocentric Rites of Passage at Kent State University. College begins the next step in solidifying our social identities for involvement in society. Concluding high school and embarking on the experience generally occurs ages 18-26 for modern education. The belief in college to a better economic future undermines the “need” of education for USA’s philosophy: “Go to school to get a better job!” With Eurocentric norms and views on reality dominating the USA, arguments from educators, counselors, and social workers alike have proposed the harmful implications of this phenomenon on the Black experience. Contributors to this articulation of research includes Ms. Pamela Hubbard, Kent State Ronald E. McNair Scholars program, Dr. Kumah-Abiwu, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Linda Myers, Paul Hill Jr., Dr. Molefi Asante, Dr. Naim Akbar, and other scholars who delve deeper into the African American experience as it relate to education.
Modified Abstract |
The topic asses how aware are Black students at Kent State University of African-Centered (Afro-centric) Rites of Passage, ages 18-26. This research seeks to critique the socialization practices dominant in USA society by utilizing an African-centered approach to education. Rites of Passage celebrates stages in your life cycle, i.e. birth-adolescent-puberty-adulthood-marriage-parenthood-elder-death, through teachings of your native culture. The bonds to community, family, and self are fortified by the acknowledgement of maturity. Qualified individuals are traditionally the elders of the community, who have wisdom passed on to the participant or young adult. The participant realizes the responsibility that encompasses life and seeks to apply new found knowledge.