With a well-documented organ donor shortage, organ donation has become a major public health issue. Through a previous literature synthesis, the author revealed a knowledge deficit amongst baccalaureate nursing students related to organ donation. It is hypothesized that utilizing teaching modalities (i.e., simulation experience) will increase overall knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to organ donation in baccalaureate nursing students. It is crucial to have a well-rounded education as a nurse in order to provide adequate and competent care to patients. A competent nurse would be capable to better educate patients about organ donation.
Using the 47-item Nursing Students Organ Donation Questionnaire 2016 the hypothesized benefit of the simulation experience was investigated. The questions were designed to measure the students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to organ donation. Whereas the data is currently being collected, the difference in the control group and experimental groups will be tested using an independent t-test.
As organ donation is becoming an ever-increasing healthcare priority, education that begins in nursing school is crucial. By exposing the nursing student to the delicate situations related to organ donation, the student will be more accustomed and comfortable when they face this process in their nursing career. Nurses competent in organ donation are better equipped to educate patients about organ donation. The main goal is to provide better patient education to increase organ donor rates, minimizing the organ donor shortage currently existing in the United States.