Influence of Knee Wraps on Force Production during Passive Isometric Quadriceps Contractions

Miller, S., Laudato, J., Gibson, B., Dulaney, C., Trionfante, C., & Jajtner, A. (2019). Influence of Knee Wraps on Force Production during Passive Isometric Quadriceps Contractions (1–).
Miller, Sara, Joseph Laudato, Brandon Gibson, Cody Dulaney, Cardyl Trionfante, and Adam Jajtner. 2019. “Influence of Knee Wraps on Force Production During Passive Isometric Quadriceps Contractions”.
Miller, Sara, et al. Influence of Knee Wraps on Force Production During Passive Isometric Quadriceps Contractions. 9 Apr. 2019,