This collection pulls together research output and scholarly activities from March 2020 and on focusing on COVID-19 by Kent State University faculty, researchers and scholars. Full-text is provided when copyright allows.
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Browse the Kent State University COVID-19 research and funded grants Collections
Destination Personality and Behavioral Intention in Hainan’s Golf Tourism during COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Role of Destination Image and Self-Congruity05/26/2022The aim of this study was (a) to investigate the relationship between destination personality (DP), destination image (DI), self-congruity (SC), and behavioral intention (BI) in the context of golf tourism and (b) to examine the mediating roles of DI and SC in the relationship between DP and BI. We collected valid data about 519 golf tourists who visited Hainan, China in 2021. The results show that DP positively affected DI, DP positively affected BI, DP positively affected SC, SC positively affected BI, and DI positively affected BI. In addition, DI positively mediated the relationship between DP and BI, and SC positively mediated the relationship between DP and BI. The findings enrich the tourism literature, contribute to the exploration of golf tourism theory, and provide recommendations for golf tourism researchers and marketers. View Full-Text |
Influence of interaction between community health workers and adults with chronic diseases on risk mitigation through care coordination02/14/2022Addressing health disparities and barriers to care requires a comprehensive approach that involves participation of health care providers, multiple organizations, and service providers in the communities affected. Given the importance of using community health workers to help address the complex and overlapping medical, social, and behavioral needs of high-risk individuals, it is of utmost importance to understand their impact on health outcomes. This study examines how in-person interaction between community health workers and their clients influence the client's level of risk mitigation achieved through care coordination using the Pathways Community HUB model. |
Japanese Graduate Students’ Experiences in Online International Development and Peace Through Sport Courses Using English-Medium Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic04/18/2022The purpose of this study was to investigate five Japanese graduate (master's level) students’ experiences in online courses in international development and peace through sport that used English as the medium of instruction. The study was situated in the framework of andragogy theory and used a descriptive-qualitative design using an in-depth, semistructured interview approach using online oral and written interviews. Three emergent themes were established. These recurrent themes were (a) learning online specialized content using English as a second language, (b) students’ struggles in group projects through online education, and (c) students’ opinions about the improvement of online education. To better support Japanese graduate students’ online learning, this study encourages academic departments, administrators, and faculty to better design appropriate courses and online activities. This will contribute to a greater appreciation for the richness of sports development and peace and to increasing the availability of meaningful academic and social experiences for graduate students at Japanese universities. |
Olympics During the Pandemic: Predictors of Olympics Viewing Across Platforms During the Tokyo Games03/07/2022This research empirically tested the Dynamic Model of Exposure by examining users’ multiplatform exposure during the Tokyo Olympic Games. Findings supported the model, suggesting that Olympics viewing was a dynamic process involving individual preferences and structures. Various preferences and structures combined to explain 37.7% of the variance in viewing the Olympics on television and 48.7% of Olympics viewing via digital streaming. Overall, endogenous preferences provided the largest predictive value, suggesting that pre-Olympic media routines had the most powerful influence on viewing this mega-event on both television and via digital streaming. Variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic showed no significant impact on those who watched the Tokyo Games. |
Reframing workplace inclusion through the lens of universal design: Considerations for vocational rehabilitation professionals in the wake of COVID-1901/29/2021BACKGROUND: The experience of disability and of how work is conducted in the American economy is undergoing new shifts in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This unique space in time provides an opportunity to re-examine the importance of universal design (UD) as a way to respond to a workforce that is growing more diverse and living longer with disabilities. UD is a set of strategies that creates places and resources that are accessible to all and considers the needs and wants of people from the outset. Through the use of UD, work environments can be more accessible and useable to all employees. OBJECTIVE: This article describes the changes in the experience of disability within the context of COVID-19 and defines UD and UD for learning principles. We then consider how UD reduces stigma and reduces the need for individual accommodations while promoting inclusivity and improving productivity in the workplace. CONCLUSION: We offer strategies for embedding UD into vocational rehabilitation from pre-professional training to practice, all with a new sense of urgency and opportunity that is present as a result of COVID-19. |